I will be out of the country from March 28th to April 9th, and so will not be shipping orders or open for visitors at the gallery. The Indigo Arts website will be active as always. I will respond to emails as soon as possible. I will be able to ship orders after April 9th, 2025.
Happy Spring!

With the high cost of shipping many of our customers choose to ship by USPS. For small and light shipments this is usually less expensive, but please be aware that their estimates are often wrong and their service can be very slow (sixteen days for Priority Mail from Philadelphia to New York City recently). The service is not always as economical as it may appear, particularly on larger or more valuable shipments. USPS estimates only include insurance up to $100 for its domestic shipments. If you ask for full insurance we will recalculate the shipping cost and send you an invoice for any difference in cost. For overseas shipments USPS will not insure for over $650. On request we can get estimates for overseas shipping from DHL.

Oggun, Orisha Mayor

Oggun, Orisha Mayor
Oggun, Orisha Mayor
Oggun, Orisha Mayor
Read more about this artist: 

Acrylic and ink on paper
(19 3/4 x 9 1/2), 2008.

Text around perimeter:  "Oggún, Orisha Mayor, hermano de Changó y Elegguá, Violento y astuto es el dios de los minerales, las montanas y las herramientas, Patrón de los herreros, mecánicos, ingenieros y fisicos - quimicos y de los soldados.  Domina los secretos del monte como un brujo.  Es el dueño de las llaves, las cadenas y los carceles sus colores son verde, negro y morado."  (Oggún, Greater Orisha, brother of Changó and Elegguá.  Violent and cunning, he is the god of minerals, mountains and tools.  Patron of blacksmiths, mechanics, engineers and physicists - chemists and soldiers.  Master of the secrets of the mountain like a sorcerer.  He is the owner of the keys, the chains and the prisons. His colors are green, black and purple.).

SKU: EV-0802
