With the high cost of shipping many of our customers choose to ship by USPS. For small and light shipments this is usually less expensive, but please be aware that their estimates are often wrong and their service can be very slow (sixteen days for Priority Mail from Philadelphia to New York City recently). The service is not always as economical as it may appear, particularly on larger or more valuable shipments. USPS estimates only include insurance up to $100 for its domestic shipments. If you ask for full insurance we will recalculate the shipping cost and send you an invoice for any difference in cost. For overseas shipments USPS will not insure for over $650. On request we can get estimates for overseas shipping from DHL.


Artes de Mexico - Numero 23

En El Mundo de Luis Barragán (In the World of Luis Barragán)

Mexico, D.F.  1994, 1999.

Bilingual Edition (Spanish with English translation of text)


96 pages

Condition:  New


Artes de Mexico - Numero 13

El Arte de la Suerte (The Art of Fortune)

Mexico, D.F.   1997

Bilingual Edition (Spanish with English translation of text)


96 pages

Condition:  Lightly Used

Artes de Mexico's thirteenth issue is an attempt to avoid the bad luck associated with this number by making it a colorful celebration of the art of fortune. Artists' interpretations of this elusive and evocative topic, and games of chance as an expression of combinatory possibilities, geometric forms and mysterious mathematical operations.


Artes de Mexico - Numero 34


Mexico, D.F.   2005.

Bilingual Edition (Spanish with English translation of text)


88 pages

Condition:  Lightly Used

The beauty of Zacatecas is unlike that of any other Mexican city: carved stone above ground, and a network of mining tunnels below. An excavation process that led to urban beautification. This issue discusses the history, architecture and legends of an old mining town, and guides us through some of the exceptional museums of Zacatecas.




Mexico, D.F.   1997.

Bilingual Edition (Spanish with English translation of text)


80 pages

Condition:  New




Mexico, D.F.   1997.

Bilingual Edition (Spanish with English translation of text)


112 pages

Condition:  New

Mexico’s European roots are not only found in Spain. France has also played a decisive role in the organization of our institutions, in our sense of belonging, our sensibilities and tastes. How has this country influenced our process of nation-building? And across the ocean, what is France’s perception of Mexico?


Island On Fire: Passionate Images of Haiti from the Collection of Jonathan Demme

Jonathan Demme, Edwidge Danticat, Pebo Voss
Kaliko Press, Nyack, NY, 1997.
First edition.  New copy.


Myrlande Constant: The Work of Radiance

Katherine Smith and Jerry Philogene,
Editors, with essays and contributions by
Emilie C. Boone, Jerry Philogene, Patrick A. Polk, Katherine Smith, Evelyne Trouillot, Gina Athena Ulysse
Published by Fowler Museum at UCLA, Los Angeles
160 pages


Artists Included: 

Masterpieces of Haitian Art

Candice Russell
Schiffer Publishing, Atglen, PA 2013
256 pages


Folk Art of the Andes

Text by Barbara Mauldin
Photographs by Blair Clark
Museum of International Folk Art
Museum of New Mexico Press, Santa Fe, 2011
304 pages


Masks of the World

Douglas Congdon-Martin & Jim Pieper
In Cooperation with the California Heritage Museum
Schiffer Publishing, Atglen, PA, 1999

$49.95 (hardcover)

Saints & Sinners: Mexican Devotional Art

The California Heritage Museum
Edited by James Caswell and Jenise Amanda Ramos with essays by Gloria Fraser Giffords, Phillip Wrench, Janet Brody Esser, Martha Egan and others.
Schiffer Publishingh, Atglen PA, 2006
208 pages

$49.95 (hardcover)

Prince Twins Seven-Seven: His Art, His Life in Nigeria, His Exile in America

by Henry Glassie
Indiana University Press, Bloomington and Indianapolis, Indiana, 2010
478 pages
The essential monograph on one of Africa's greatest contemporary artists, Twins Seven-Seven.

Artists Included: 

Changing Dreams: A Generation of Oaxaca's Woodcarvers

Photographs by Vicki Ragan
Text by Shepard Barbash
Museum of New Mexico Press, Santa Fe, 2007
156 pages

$45 (Hardcover)

Revelaciones del arte popular mexicano

Revelaciones del arte popular mexicano

Essays by various authors:  Octavio Paz, Alberto Roy Sanchez, Margarita de Orellana, Alfonso Alfaro, Gutierre Aceves Piña, Luz de Lourdes Velazquez Thierry, Luis Mario Schneider, Chloe Sayer, Bill Gilbert, Marta Turok, Lexa Jimenez Lopez, Sna Jolobil, Armgard W. Johnson, Alejandro de Avila, Ruth Lechoga, Ana Paulina Gomez, Gloria Fraser Giffords, Magali Tercero.

Published by Artes de Mexico and Smithsonian Books
Mexico, D.F.   2004.

Spanish Language Edition 


360 pages


The Crafts of Mexico

The Crafts of Mexico

Essays by various authors:  Octavio Paz, Alberto Roy Sanchez, Margarita de Orellana, Alfonso Alfaro, Gutierre Aceves Piña, Luz de Lourdes Velazquez Thierry, Luis Mario Schneider, Chloe Sayer, Bill Gilbert, Marta Turok, Lexa Jimenez Lopez, San Jolobil, Armgard W. Johnson, Alejandro de Avila, Ruth Lechoga, Ana Paulina Gomez, Gloria Fraser Giffords, Magali Tercero.

Published by Artes de Mexico and Smithsonian Books
Mexico, D.F.   2004.

English Language Edition 


360 pages

Condition:  Lightly Used


Masks from West and Central Africa: A Celebration of Color and Form

Mary Sue Rosen, Paul Peter Rosen

Schiffer Publishing, Ltd., Atglen, PA, 2013

192 pages (Hardcover)


Huichol Art and Culture: Balancing the World

Edited by Melissa S. Powell; and C. Jill Grady
Featuring the Robert M. Zingg Collection of the Museum of Indian Arts and Culture/ Laboratory of Anthropology
Museum of New Mexico Press, Santa Fe, 2010
166 pages

$45 (Paper)

Mexican Folk Retablos

Text by Gloria Fraser Giffords
Photographs by Jerry D. Ferrin
University of New Mexico Press
Albuquerque, 1992.  
Revised Edition, 1992 (Originally published in 1974)  
220 pages

Artists Included: 

Longing for Darkness: Kamante's Tales from Out of Africa

Collected by Peter Beard
with drawings by Kamante Gatura, photographs and captions by Isak Dinesen
Chronicle Books Paperback edition 1990, San Francisco CA (originally published by Harcourt Brace Jovanovitch in 1975)
Used copy, very good condition.

Artists Included: 
$40 (paperback)

The Colorful Sogo Bo Puppets of Mali

Mary Sue Rosen, Paul Peter Rosen

Schiffer Publishing, Ltd., Atglen, PA, 2012

160 pages (hardcover).


Mexican Folk Art from Oaxacan Artist Families

Arden Aibel Rothstein & Anya Leah Rothstein
Schiffer Books, Atglen, PA, 2002
224 pages

$39.95 (hardcover)

Haiti: Three Visions

Etienne Chavannes, Edger Jean-Baptiste Ernst Prophete
Curated by Jonathan Demme Catalog by Kirsten Coyne, Jonathan Demme, Edwidge Danticat
Ramapo College of New Jersey Kaliko Press, New York, NY 1994
96 pages

Artists Included: 

Vodou Things: The Art of Pierrot Barra and Marie Cassaise

Donald Cosentino
University Press of Mississippi, Jackson, MS, 1998.  
72 pages.  Hardcover.

Artists Included: 

Joe's Hair That Talks: The Vibrant Sign Culture of Ghana

Written by Greg Coyle
Designed by Jason Wen
Published by Women in Progress, 2009
128 pages

$38 (hardcover)


Elogio del Cuerpo Mesoamericano (In Praise of the Mesoamerican Body)

Mexico, D.F.   2004.

Bilingual Edition (Spanish with English translation of text)


96 pages

Condition:  New

The way each society represents the human body tells us some unexpected things about its world view. Woven into this vision of the body are discourses on medicine and morality, eroticism and death. What enigmas are contained in Mesoamerican works alluding to the body?




Serpientes del Arte Contemporáneo (Snakes in Contemporary Art)

Mexico, D.F.   2004.

Bilingual Edition (Spanish with English translation of text)


92 pages

Condition:  New

We continue our exploration of a fascinating and frightening creature: the snake. This issue is an invitation to use contemporary art as a means of penetrating that dark space in the human soul where a strange venomous serpent lurks.



El Arte del Hierro Fundido (The Art of Cast Iron)

Mexico, D.F.   2006.

Bilingual Edition (Spanish with English translation of text)


88 pages

Condition:  New

The castiron bandstands, benches and lampposts found in most Mexican parks and squares are what lend these public spaces their unique personality. They are synonymous with tradition, urban beauti-fication and city life. How did they come to form such an indispensable part of the country's aesthetic?



Gustavo Pérez: Ceramica contemporanea  (Gustavo Pérez: Contemporary Ceramics)

Mexico, D.F.   2006.

Bilingual Edition (Spanish with English translation of text)


94 pages

Condition:  New

Gustavo Perez is one of Mexico's leading contemporary ceramicists. The freedom with which this artist works clay has been an inspiration to critics and writers seeking to explore the inner world of a man who gave his soul to the material.


Familia Lorenzo

Elena Poniatowska
Secretaria de Cultura,  Direccion General de Publicaciones.  Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico, 2016.
First edition.  New copy.  62 pages.




Arte y Espiritualidad Jesuitas  II:  contemplación para alcanzar amor (Jesuit Art and Spirituality II)

Mexico, D.F.   2006.

Bilingual Edition (Spanish with English translation of text)


120 pages

Condition:  New


Haitian Vodou Flags

Patrick Arthur Polk
University Press of Mississippi, Jackson, MS, 1997
72 pages.  Paper



Artes de Mexico - Numero 9

Espacios en el Arte Mexicano (Spaces in Mexican Art)

Mexico, D.F.   1999.

Bilingual Edition (Spanish with English translation of text)


108 pages

Condition:  New

Our soul is a dwelling, wrote Gaston Bachelard. And when we recall its rooms, we learn to dwell within ourselves. Therefore, by examining the mystery of our aesthetic spaces, we will be better able to live with what we are. This issue pays homage to the creative potential that exists in Mexican spaces of art.


Artes de Mexico - Numero 10

Revisión Del Cine Mexicano (Mexican Cinema:  A revision)

Mexico, D.F.   2001.

Bilingual Edition (Spanish with English translation of text)


96 pages

Condition:  New

A study in contrasts, familiar images, sequences, composition, faces and situations. Key figures in Mexican filmmaking reflect on this medium, its history and what it meant to them personally. Some of its greatest moments as seen through the eyes of Mexican actors, directors and filmbuffs.


Artes de Mexico - Numero 31

El Viajero Europeo del Siglo XIX ( The Nineteenth Century European Traveler)

Mexico, D.F.   1996.

Bilingual Edition (Spanish with English translation of text)


120 pages

Condition:  New




Mexico, D.F.   2003.

Bilingual Edition (Spanish with English translation of text)


96 pages

Condition:  New

As happened with the legendary library of Alexandria, the founders and trustees after the treasure Palafoxiana searched the knowledge of the universe in space. The approximately 42,000 volumes of this site in Puebla testify to this concern.


Village of Painters: Narrative Scrolls from West Bengal

FrankJ. Korom
Museum of New Mexico Press, Santa Fe 2006
120 pages

The Patuas of West Bengal are a traditional artisan caste specializing in the production of painted narrative scrolls and the performance of songs to accompany their unrolling. Traditionally, the scroll painters wander from village to village, seeking patronage by singing their own compositions while unraveling painted scrolls on sacred and secular themes.

$34.00 (Paper)


Margaret Courtney-Clarke
Thames & Hudson, New York, 1986, 2002
204 pages.

Artists Included: 

George Lilanga

Edited by Enrico Mascelloni Sarenco
With Contributions by Paola Mattioli, Enrico Mascelloni Sarenco, Eric Girard-Miclet, Domenco Montalto.
African Collection, Skira Editore, Milano, Italy, 2005
144 pages (paper)

Artists Included: 

In Extremis: Death and Life in 21st-Century Haitian Art

Donald J. Cosentino, Editor.
With Essays by Donald J. Cosentino, Edwidge Danticat, Leah Gordon, Claudine Michel and Patrick Bellegarde-Smith, Patrick A. Polk, Jean Claude Saintilus, Katherine Smith, Stephen C.Wehmeyer
Fowler Museum at UCLA, Los Angeles 2012
196 pages (paper)


The Heart of Haiti: Photographs by Andrea Baldeck

Photographs and text by Andrea Baldeck
University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
Philadelphia, 2006
112 pages


Tigers, Devils and the Dance of Life: Masks of Mexico

Barbara Mauldin
with Field Photography by Ruth D. Lechuga
Museum of New Mexico Press, Santa Fe, 1999
Paper. 118 pages

$29.95 (paperback)

African Art Now: Masterpieces from the Jean Pigozzi Collection

Andre Magnin, Alison de Lima Greene, Alvia J. Wardlaw, Thomas McEvilley

The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston.  Merrell Publishers Ltd., London, New York, 2005

224 pages



Artists Included: 

Preguntas de Ocotlan

Alberto Blanco, with illustrations by Rodolfo Morales

Published by the Consejo Nacional Para la Cultura y Las Artes, Mexico, 2000

52 pages (hardcover).  Text in Spanish.

Artists Included: 

Oaxaca Celebration: Family, Food, and Fiestas in Teotitlan

Mary Jane Gagnier de Mendoza
With photographs by Ariel Mendoza and Mary Jane Gagnier de Mendoza
Museum of New Mexico Press, Santa Fe, 2005
160 pages

$28.50 (Paper)

Makishi: Mask Characters of Zambia

by Manuel Jordan
UCLA Fowler Museum of Cultural History
Los Angeles, 2006
84 pages

Artists Included: 
$27 (paperback)

Oaxacan Woodcarvings: The Magic in the Trees

Shepard Barbash
Photography by Vicki Ragan
Chronicle, San Francisco 1993
109 pages

Artists Included: 
$18.95 (paperback)

An Apparently Unimportant Event: Self-Taught From the Centre D'Art in the 1940s and 1950s

Sydney O. Jenkins, Pebo Voss, Kristine Juncker
Ramapo College Mahwah, NJ, 2007
19 pages A superb selection of early Haitian art from the Jonathan Demme collection.


Royal Voices CD

Prince Twins Seven-Seven The Singing Ambassador
Crossover Dancehall Music
Recorded in Philadelphia. PA, USA, 2005
CD with 8 songs

Artists Included: 
$18 each

Flash of the Sprit: African & Afro-American Art & Philosophy

by Robert Farris Thompson
UCLA Fowler Museum of Cultural History
Random House, New York, 1983
318 pages (Paper)



Mauricio Martinez
Text by Gutierre Aceves, Raul Aceves, Ruben Paez
Photography by Rigoberto Moreno, José Martinez Vera, Carlos Diaz Corona
Amaroma Ediciones, Guadalajara, Mexico
Museum of New Mexico Press, Santa Fe, 2002
120 pages


Uncle Snake

Children's book illustrated by one of our Oaxacan artists.
Text by Matthew Gollub
Illustrated by Leovigildo Martinez Torres,
Published by Tambourine Books
New York, 1996

Artists Included: 
$16.00 hardcover

Haitian Celebration: South Florida Collects Haitian Art

Candice Russell, Barbara O'Keefe w/ essays by Jonathan Demme, Selden Rodman
Coral Springs Museum of Art Coral Springs, FL, 2000


Hand/Eye #4

Hand/Eye Magazine, the compelling visual culture of Haiti through the eyes of its artists and artisans.
intellectually challenging and lavishly illustrated magazine about the arts and crafts of the world.


Folk Art of Latin America at the Missouri Botanical Garden

St. Louis, MO April 14 - June 6, 2003
Exhibition Catalog, 24 pages, illustrated Laurie Carmody St. Louis, 2003 (paper)


Hand/Eye #09 (South Africa)


Angel's Kite / La Estrella de Angel

Award-winning children's book based on Morales' own childhood in the village of Ocotlan
Text by Alberto Blanco
Illustrated by Rodolfo Morales,
Published by the Children's Book Press
San Francisco, 1994

Artists Included: 
$ 7.95

Grandes Maestros del Arte Wixárika

Diana Negrin da Silva
with Essays by Juan Negrin, Guillermo de la Peña, Ingrid Arriaga and Patricia Diaz Romo.
Published by Secretaria de Cultura, Gobierno del Estado de Jalisco, Guadalajara. 2019.
340 pages
We do not stock this book but recommend that you contact to order it.

Nicolás de Jesús: A Mexican Artist for Global Justice

Edited by Patrice Giasson, with essays by Felipe Ehrenberg, Patrice Giasson, Aline Hémond, Julian Kremer, Caroline Perrée, Pablo Piccato.
Neuberger Museum of Art
Purchase College, SUNY
Published by Hirmer Verlag, Munich, Germany
176 pages

Not available from Indigo Arts. Recommend you order from the publisher online.

Artists Included: