With the high cost of shipping many of our customers choose to ship by USPS. For small and light shipments this is usually less expensive, but please be aware that their estimates are often wrong and their service can be very slow (sixteen days for Priority Mail from Philadelphia to New York City recently). The service is not always as economical as it may appear, particularly on larger or more valuable shipments. USPS estimates only include insurance up to $100 for its domestic shipments. If you ask for full insurance we will recalculate the shipping cost and send you an invoice for any difference in cost. For overseas shipments USPS will not insure for over $650. On request we can get estimates for overseas shipping from DHL.

Exhibitions at Indigo Arts

February 6, 2025


March 14, 2024 to April 26, 2024

A Selection of Indigo Arts' collection is showing at the Zephirin-Giannetta Gallery in Ardmore, PA

Address: 38 West Lancaster Ave. Ardmore PA 19003
Dates: March 14 to April 26, 2024
Opening Reception: Saturday, March 16, 3 to 5pm
Gallery contact:

June 8, 2023 to August 31, 2023

The enforced confinement of the the “Covid years” seems to have driven a lot of us to birding.  As reluctant as I always am to be trendy, we seem to have joined the flock.  We are fortunate to live within walking distance of a vast park system and within east driving distance of many more places where birds gather.  We have also discovered we are surrounded by avid birders who can tell a Parula from a Prothonotary, and that they are overwhelmingly willing to share their knowledge.  So we upgraded our binoculars and joined the flock.

March 1, 2023 to June 15, 2023

An Online Exhibition of Outsider Art

Indigo Arts didn't exhibit at the Outsider Art Fair this year, but there is plenty to see on our online gallery. The selection of artwork is "Out There", in the geographic as well as the figurative sense. One may prefer to call the art Outsider, Art Brut, Intuitive, Visionary, Naif or Self-taught. Each term has its own advantages and limitations, and some artists fit more comfortably under one name than another. 

November 23, 2022 to February 18, 2023


An Online Exhibition for the Holiday season.

The world of folk and outsider art, like most other things in our world, moves on wheels - 

Two Wheels,

Three Wheels,

Four wheels,

and more.

On rails,

or in the air.


I dedicate this exhibition to my brother Jonathan, who epitomized the romance with everything on wheels.

September 29, 2022 to February 10, 2023

An Online Exhibition.

The Maithil paintings of Nepal and the Mithila or Madhubani paintings of Northern Bihar, India are two sides of the same art form.  The historic Mithila kingdom once spread across the southeast plains of Nepal and the northern Bihar and Jharkhand states of India.  In both countries an ancient domestic wall painting tradition has been adapted to painting on paper, but it has evolved differently and at different times in the two countries. 

June 30, 2022 to September 30, 2022

" Gérard was of those beings who make the impression of being eternal. Not because of his energy at his 84 years old but because he has always been in another world, flying over with lightness and the smile all the things of life from here. " Arnold Antonin

November 18, 2021 to March 26, 2022

Gabriel Bien-Aimé was born in 1951 in the village of Croix des Bouquets, now known as the “cradle of 20th century Haitian metal sculpture”.  Croix des Bouquets nurtured such great Haitian sculptors as the late Georges Liautaud and Murat Brierre, the brothers Louisjuste, and Serge Jolimeau.

September 8, 2021 to December 31, 2021

Indigo Arts is honored to present a selection of Haitian sculpture from the collection of the late American multi-media artist and filmmaker, Rudi Stern.  

May 2, 2021 to June 30, 2021


We watch in horror as yet another wave  of the Covid19 pandemic sweeps through India with unprecedented death and devastation.  It is a time to offer both empathy and any assistance that we can. Indigo Arts features a young artist of India who carries on with her work despite the catastrophe around her. 

Just Arrived!

Al Primer Canto del Gallo
Fernando Olivera
Posted: 21 hours 42 min ago

Legba - Vodou Flag
Sylva Joseph
Posted: 22 hours 18 min ago

IboLele - Vodou Flag
Yves Telemak (Telemac or Telemaque)
Posted: 22 hours 28 min ago

Erzulie and Damballa - Vodou Flag
Haitian Flag Artists
Posted: 22 hours 40 min ago