I will be out of the country from March 28th to April 9th, and so will not be shipping orders or open for visitors at the gallery. The Indigo Arts website will be active as always. I will respond to emails as soon as possible. I will be able to ship orders after April 9th, 2025.
Happy Spring!

With the high cost of shipping many of our customers choose to ship by USPS. For small and light shipments this is usually less expensive, but please be aware that their estimates are often wrong and their service can be very slow (sixteen days for Priority Mail from Philadelphia to New York City recently). The service is not always as economical as it may appear, particularly on larger or more valuable shipments. USPS estimates only include insurance up to $100 for its domestic shipments. If you ask for full insurance we will recalculate the shipping cost and send you an invoice for any difference in cost. For overseas shipments USPS will not insure for over $650. On request we can get estimates for overseas shipping from DHL.

Huichol Artists, various

Coiled Snake - Huichol Beaded Sculpture by Luis Ruiz

Carved wood sculpture, covered with beads and inset coin, set in beeswax
7" tall, 5" dia.
Luis Ruiz, Huichol people - Nayarit, Mexico, c. 1970's - 1980's.  Purchased by current owner in 1997.


Product Status: 
Returned to Consignor
Huichol Beaded Snake Sculpture

Carved wood sculpture, covered with beads set in beeswax.

13" tall, 8" dia.

Hector Ortiz, Huichol people - Nayarit, Mexico, purchased 1997.


Product Status: 
Returned to Consignor
Frog with Coiled Snake - Huichol Beaded Sculpture

Carved wood sculpture, covered with beads set in beeswax.
8" h. x 8" w. x 9" d.
Hector Ortiz C., Nayarit, Mexico, purchased 1997.


Product Status: 
Returned to Consignor
Large Huichol Beaded Iguana Sculpture

Carved wood sculpture, covered with beads set in beeswax.
12" tall, x 6" x 4 1/2"
Hector Ortiz - Nayarit, Mexico, purchased 1997.


Product Status: 
Returned to Consignor
 Large Jaguar Head/Mask - Huichol Beaded Sculpture

Carved wood sculpture, covered with beads set in beeswax.
(7" high x 9" wide x 10" deep)
Hector Ortiz C., Nayarit, Mexico, c. 1996 (purchased 1996).


Product Status: 
Returned to Consignor
The Sacred Place of Shadows - Nierika Yarn Painting
SKU: DGS-2401

David Gonzalez Sanchez.
Vintage Huichol yarn painting, dated June 30, 1988.
Yarn pressed into beeswax on plywood (24" x 24").
This picture was made of wool yarn pressed onto wax spread on a wooden board. Today yarn paintings are made of acrylic yarn. On the back the artist wrote the meaning of the piece in both Huichol and in Spanish. It is signed by the artist, with a stamp from the Instituto Nacional Indigenista, in Mexico.
From a private collection.


The Shaman, the Snake and the Lake
SKU: HC-1508

Huichol yarn painting by anonymous Huichol Artist in the style of Ramon Medina Silva.  Actual authorship unclear.
Nayarit, Mexico, c. 1970
Yarn pressed into beeswax on plywood
(16 1/2" x 20 1/4")

From a private collection.  Originally purchased in the 1970s from the Mexican Art Annex on 56th St., New York.  The store was owned by Annie Felshin O'Neill, who led collecting trips to Mexico for Nelson Rockefeller.  After Rockefeller's death she was in charge of putting his huge folk art collection into two museums - in San Francisco and San Antonio.


$575 (Framed)

Bear - Huichol Beaded Sculpture

Carved wood sculpture, covered with beads set in beeswax.
5 1/2" h. x 3" w. x 9" l.
Nayarit, Mexico, purchased 1996.


Product Status: 
Returned to Consignor
Animal in Corral
SKU: HC-1601

Huichol yarn painting by
Anonymous Huichol Artist
Nayarit, Mexico, c. 1970
Yarn pressed into beeswax on plywood
(15 1/2" x 20")


Cuatro Puntos Cardinales 2
SKU: HCC-1402

Huichol yarn painting by
Hilaria Chavez Carrillo
Nayarit, Mexico, c. 2013
Yarn pressed into beeswax on plywood
(12" x 12")


Gecko - Huichol Beaded Sculpture

Carved wood sculpture, covered with beads set in beeswax.
12" long, x 4" wide x 1" high
Nayarit, Mexico, c.1997.


Product Status: 
Returned to Consignor
SKU: hcs-10

c. 2006
Beads pressed into beeswax on wood sculpture
(2" w. x 10" l. x 1/2" h.)
Designs will vary


SKU: hcs-07

Huichol people, Nayarit, Mexico, c. 2006
Beads pressed into beeswax on wood sculpture
(1 1/2" w. x 6 1/2" l. x 1/2" h.)
Designs will vary

$32 each

Coiled Snake - Huichol Beaded Sculpture by Luis Ruiz

Carved wood sculpture, covered with beads and inset coin, set in beeswax
7" tall, 5" dia.
Luis Ruiz, Huichol people - Nayarit, Mexico, c. 1970's - 1980's.  Purchased by current owner in 1997.


Product Status: 
Returned to Consignor
Huichol Beaded Snake Sculpture

Carved wood sculpture, covered with beads set in beeswax.

13" tall, 8" dia.

Hector Ortiz, Huichol people - Nayarit, Mexico, purchased 1997.


Product Status: 
Returned to Consignor
Frog with Coiled Snake - Huichol Beaded Sculpture

Carved wood sculpture, covered with beads set in beeswax.
8" h. x 8" w. x 9" d.
Hector Ortiz C., Nayarit, Mexico, purchased 1997.


Product Status: 
Returned to Consignor
 Large Jaguar Head/Mask - Huichol Beaded Sculpture

Carved wood sculpture, covered with beads set in beeswax.
(7" high x 9" wide x 10" deep)
Hector Ortiz C., Nayarit, Mexico, c. 1996 (purchased 1996).


Product Status: 
Returned to Consignor
Large Huichol Beaded Iguana Sculpture

Carved wood sculpture, covered with beads set in beeswax.
12" tall, x 6" x 4 1/2"
Hector Ortiz - Nayarit, Mexico, purchased 1997.


Product Status: 
Returned to Consignor
Bear - Huichol Beaded Sculpture

Carved wood sculpture, covered with beads set in beeswax.
5 1/2" h. x 3" w. x 9" l.
Nayarit, Mexico, purchased 1996.


Product Status: 
Returned to Consignor
Gecko - Huichol Beaded Sculpture

Carved wood sculpture, covered with beads set in beeswax.
12" long, x 4" wide x 1" high
Nayarit, Mexico, c.1997.


Product Status: 
Returned to Consignor
SKU: HC-1504

Huichol yarn painting by
Anonymous Huichol Artist
Nayarit, Mexico, c. 1970
Yarn pressed into beeswax on plywood
(24" x 24")
The extensive description on the back (translated into English) reads as follows:

"The two figures in the form of a scorpion on the upper right side indicate, according to the Huichol who made the painting, the thinking and the determination that this man had taken: suicide. They indicate the evil that took root and blinded the man to propel him to suicide. They indicate the black obsession that was growing and was closing all the gaps to light and to reason. Evil is a poison that is killing slowly.

The two figures that are between the man and the tree are a cornfield and a pumpkin. When the man decided to commit suicide he also decided to leave his cornfield already sown. The corn and pumpkins were left at the mercy of crows and badgers, squirrels and coyotes. The man no longer lit a fire in the cornfield or shouted to hear his echo in the ravine.

The two vertical stripes that are on the head of the dead body indicate that life has left the body. The other figure with the three points below is the heart with dropsof blood. The figure in the shape of a cross next to the feet is the soul, his itari. The vital body parts separated from the body indicate death. And finally, a tall and strong tree, a taut string, a rigid body and a black horizon without air."


$875 (Framed)

Product Status: 
Danza del Venado
SKU: RDM-1902

Huichol "Nierika" yarn painting by
Rogelio Diaz M.
Nayarit, Mexico, c. 2018
Yarn pressed into beeswax on plywood
(24" x 24")


Product Status: 
La Jicara Sagrada
SKU: HCC-1901

Huichol yarn painting
Hilaria Chavez Carrillo (viuda de José Benitez Sanchez)
Nayarit, Mexico, c. 2018
Yarn pressed into beeswax on plywood.
(24" x 24")


Product Status: 
La Madre Aguila
SKU: HCC-1102

Huichol yarn painting
Hilaria Chavez Carrillo (viuda de José Benitez Sanchez)
Nayarit, Mexico, c. 2010
Yarn pressed into beeswax on plywood.
(24" x 24")


Product Status: 
Luciana Benitez R.
SKU: LBR-1301

Huichol yarn painting
Luciana Benitez R.
Nayarit, Mexico, c. 2012
Yarn pressed into beeswax on plywood
(24" x 24")


Product Status: 
Hilaria Chavez Carrillo
SKU: HCC-1301

Huichol yarn painting
Hilaria Chavez Carrillo
Nayarit, Mexico, c. 2012
Yarn pressed into beeswax on plywood
(24" x 24")


Product Status: 
Yellow Man, Red Heart - Huichol Yarn Painting
SKU: HC-1505

Huichol yarn painting by anonymous Huichol Artist in the style of Ramon Medina Silva.  Actual authorship unclear.
Nayarit, Mexico, c. 1970
Yarn pressed into beeswax on plywood
(22" x 22")
From a private collection.  Originally purchased in the 1970s from the Mexican Art Annex on 56th St., New York. The store was owned by Annie Felshin O'Neill, who led collecting trips to Mexico for Nelson Rockefeller.  After Rockefeller's death she was in charge of placing his huge Mexican folk art collection into two museums - in San Francisco and San Antonio.

$575 (framed)

Product Status: 
Anonymous Huichol Artist
SKU: HC1506

Huichol yarn painting by
Anonymous Huichol Artist
Nayarit, Mexico, c. 1970
Yarn pressed into beeswax on plywood
(22" x 22")

$550 (Framed)

Product Status: 
Anonymous Huichol Artist
SKU: HC-1507

Huichol yarn painting by anonymous Huichol Artist in the style of Ramon Medina Silva.  Actual authorship unclear.
Nayarit, Mexico, c. 1970
Yarn pressed into beeswax on plywood
(20 1/4" x 20 1/4")

$525 (Framed)

Product Status: 
Anonymous Huichol Artist
SKU: HC-1503

Huichol yarn painting by
Anonymous Huichol Artist
Nayarit, Mexico, c. 1975
Yarn pressed into beeswax on plywood
(31 1/2" x 31 1/2")


Product Status: 
Sacred Deer
SKU: HC-1602

Huichol yarn painting by
Anonymous Huichol Artist
Nayarit, Mexico, c. 1970
Yarn pressed into beeswax on plywood
(23 1/2" x 15 1/4")


Product Status: 
Huichol Beaded Mask
SKU: HCM-076

Huichol people, Nayarit, Mexico, 1994
Beads pressed into beeswax on wood mask
(8" w. x 3" d. x 14" h.)


Product Status: 
Huichol Beaded Mask
SKU: HCM-2001

Huichol people, Nayarit, Mexico, c.2000
"jewel-tone" glass beads pressed into beeswax on hand-carved wood mask.
(7 1/2" w. x 3" d. x 14" h.)
Provenance:  Aquired from the Line Camp Gallery in Santa Fe, NM in 2004.


Product Status: 
Huichol artist
SKU: hcm074

Huichol people, Nayarit, Mexico, c. 1980's
Beads pressed into beeswax on wood mask
(8" w. x 2" d. x 13 1/2" h.)


Product Status: 
Julio Villa de la Cruz
SKU: hcm-075

Signed Julio Villa de la Cruz - Huichol people, Nayarit, Mexico, c. 1980's
Beads pressed into beeswax on wood mask
(8 3/4" w. x 1 3/4" d. x 15" h.)


Product Status: 
Huichol Beaded Mask
SKU: HCM-2101

Huichol people, Nayarit, Mexico, c. 1980's
Beads pressed into beeswax on wood mask
(9” h. x 6 1/4”w.  x 2” d)


Product Status: 
Santos Hernandez Ramirez
SKU: SHR-1201

Huichol yarn painting
Santos Hernandez Ramirez
Nayarit, Mexico, c. 2010
Yarn pressed into beeswax on plywood
(12" x 12")


Product Status: 
Ritual de las Ofrendas
SKU: RDM-1901

Huichol "Nierika" yarn painting by
Rogelio Diaz M.
Nayarit, Mexico, c. 2018
Yarn pressed into beeswax on plywood
(12" x 12")


Product Status: 
Rogelio Diaz M.
SKU: RDM-1402

Huichol yarn painting by
Rogelio Diaz M.
Nayarit, Mexico, c. 2013
Yarn pressed into beeswax on plywood
(12" x 12")


Product Status: 
Hilaria Chavez Carrillo
SKU: HCC-1401

Huichol yarn painting by
Hilaria Chavez Carrillo
Nayarit, Mexico, c. 2013
Yarn pressed into beeswax on plywood
(12" x 12")


Product Status: 
Hilaria Chavez Carrillo
SKU: HCC-1403

Huichol yarn painting by
Hilaria Chavez Carrillo
Nayarit, Mexico, c. 2013
Yarn pressed into beeswax on plywood
(12" x 12")





Product Status: 
Vintage Huichol Beaded Gourd Votive Bowl
SKU: HCS-2102

Unknown artist, Huichol people, Nayarit, Mexico, c. 1980's
Beads pressed into beeswax on gourd bowl.
(7 1/4" x 7” x 2 1/4” h.)


Product Status: 
Medium Jaguar Head/Mask - Huichol Beaded Sculpture
SKU: HCS-1801

Carved wood sculpture, covered with beads set in beeswax.
(6 1/2" h. x 6” w. x 5 1/4” d.)
Artist unknown, Nayarit, Mexico, c. 1995.
Note:  small numbers of beads missing in these areas as shown in photos - tooth, cheek, nose, eyebrows.


Product Status: 
Ramon Medina Bautista
SKU: RMB-1301

Huichol yarn painting by
Ramon Medina Bautista
Nayarit, Mexico, c. 2012
Yarn pressed into beeswax on plywood
(12" x 12")


Product Status: 
Ramon Medina Bautista
SKU: RMB-1302

Huichol yarn painting by
Ramon Medina Bautista
Nayarit, Mexico, c. 2012
Yarn pressed into beeswax on plywood
(12" x 12")


Product Status: 
Large Huichol Beaded Snake
SKU: HCS-2101

Unknown artist, Huichol people, Nayarit, Mexico, c. 1980's
Beads pressed into beeswax on wood sculpture
(2" w. x 16" l. x 1 1/4" h.)


Product Status: 
SKU: hcs-05

Huichol people, Nayarit, Mexico, c. 2006
Beads pressed into beeswax on wood sculpture
(2 1/4" w. x 8 1/4" d. x 4" h.)
Designs will vary


Product Status: 
Luis Carrillo Felix
SKU: hcm-072

by Luis Carrillo Felix, Huichol people, Nayarit, Mexico, c. 2005
Yarn pressed into beeswax on wood mask
(5 3/4" w. x 1" d. x 8 3/4" h.)


Product Status: 
SKU: hcs-11

Huichol people, Nayarit, Mexico, c. 2006
Beads pressed into beeswax on wood sculpture
(2 3/4" w. x 13 3/4" l. x 5/8" h.)
Designs will vary



Product Status: 
Huichol people
SKU: hcs-01

Huichol people, Nayarit, Mexico, c. 2006
Beads pressed into beeswax on wood sculpture
(1 3/4" w. x 5 1/4" d. x 6 1/4" h.)
Designs will vary


Product Status: 
SKU: hcs-12

Huichol people, Nayarit, Mexico, c. 2006
Beads pressed into beeswax on wood sculpture
(1 3/4" w. x 5" d. x 5 1/2" h.)
Designs will vary

SOLD 1/15


Product Status: 
Roberta Chavez Carrillo
SKU: RCC1401

Huichol yarn painting by
Roberta Chavez Carrillo
Nayarit, Mexico, c. 2013
Yarn pressed into beeswax on plywood
(6" x 6")

SOLD 5/2015


Product Status: 
Anonymous Huichol Artist
SKU: HC-1401

Huichol yarn painting
Nayarit, Mexico, c. 2013
Yarn pressed into beeswax on plywood
(6" x 6")


Product Status: 
El Venado Sagrado
SKU: HC-1701

Huichol yarn painting
Nayarit, Mexico, c. 2015
Yarn pressed into beeswax on plywood
(6" x 6")


Product Status: 
Anonymous Huichol Artist
SKU: HC-1402

Huichol yarn painting by
Anonymous Huichol Artist
Nayarit, Mexico, c. 2013
Yarn pressed into beeswax on plywood
(6" x 6")


Product Status: 
La Vibora Enrollada
SKU: HC-1702

Huichol yarn painting
Nayarit, Mexico, c. 2015
Yarn pressed into beeswax on plywood
(6" x 6")


Product Status: 
Anonymous Huichol Artist
SKU: HC-1501

Huichol yarn painting
Nayarit, Mexico, c. 2014
Yarn pressed into beeswax on plywood
(6" x 6")


Product Status: 
El Arbol de Viento
SKU: HC-1703

Huichol yarn painting
Nayarit, Mexico, c. 2015
Yarn pressed into beeswax on plywood
(6" x 6")





Product Status: 
Anonymous Huichol Artist
SKU: HC1502

Huichol yarn painting by
Anonymous Huichol Artist
Nayarit, Mexico, c. 2014
Yarn pressed into beeswax on plywood
(6" x 6")


Product Status: 
Las Viboras Azules y el Alacrán
SKU: HC-0803

Huichol yarn painting
Nayarit, Mexico, c. 2008
Yarn pressed into beeswax on plywood
(6" x 6").


Product Status: 
La Flor del Viento y el Peyote
SKU: HC-0804

Huichol yarn painting
Nayarit, Mexico, c. 2008
Yarn pressed into beeswax on plywood
(6" x 6").


Product Status: 
Huichol people
SKU: hcm073

Huichol people, Nayarit, Mexico, c. 2006
Beads pressed into beeswax on wood mask
(3 1/2" w. x 1 1/2" d. x 6" h.)

SOLD 12/07


Product Status: 
Huichol artist
SKU: hcs-02

Huichol people, Nayarit, Mexico, c. 2006
Beads pressed into beeswax on wood sculpture
(6 1/2" w. x 1 1/4" d. x 6" h.)
Designs will vary


Product Status: 
SKU: hcs-08

c. 2006
Beads pressed into beeswax on wood sculpture
(1 3/4" w. x 7" l. x 3/4" h.)
Designs will vary


Product Status: 
Hilaria Chavez Carrillo
SKU: HCC1203

Huichol yarn painting
Hilaria Chavez Carrillo (viuda de José Benitez Sanchez)
Nayarit, Mexico, c. 2010
Yarn pressed into beeswax on plywood
(6" x 6")


Product Status: 
SKU: hcs-04

Huichol people, Nayarit, Mexico, c. 2006
Beads pressed into beeswax on wood sculpture
(1 1/4" w. x 3 3/4" d. x 4 1/2" h.)
Designs will vary

$42 each

Product Status: 
Huichol people
SKU: hcs-09

c. 2006
Beads pressed into beeswax on wood sculpture
(1 1/2" w. x 7" l. x 5/8" h.)
Designs will vary


Product Status: 
SKU: hcs-13

Huichol people, Nayarit, Mexico, c. 2006
Beads pressed into beeswax on wood sculpture
(1 1/4" w. x 4" d. x 3" h.)
Designs will vary


Product Status: 
SKU: hcs-06

Huichol people, Nayarit, Mexico, c. 2006
Beads pressed into beeswax on wood sculpture
(3 1/4" w. x 3 3/4" l. x 3/4" h.)
Designs will vary


Product Status: 
Huichol people
SKU: hcs-03

Huichol people, Nayarit, Mexico, c. 2006
Beads pressed into beeswax on wood sculpture
(3" w. x 1/2" d. x 3 1/4" h.)
Designs will vary


Product Status: 
Rogelio Diaz M.
SKU: RDM1401

Huichol yarn painting by
Rogelio Diaz M.
Nayarit, Mexico, c. 2013
Yarn pressed into beeswax on plywood
(12" x 12")

SOLD 4/2015


Product Status: 