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"Dino" (Camordino Mustafá Jetha)

About the Artist

Dino in 2014. (Photograph © Anthony Hart Fisher)
Dino in 2014. (Photograph © Anthony Hart Fisher)
Dino (Camordino Mustafá Jetha) with his Barraca, in 2008. (Photograph © Anthony Hart Fisher)
Dino (Camordino Mustafá Jetha) with his Barraca, in 2008. (Photograph © Anthony Hart Fisher)
Dino with his Refugiados (refugees), in 2012. (Photograph © Anthony Hart Fisher)
Dino with his Refugiados (refugees), in 2012. (Photograph © Anthony Hart Fisher)

The trademark folk art form of Santo Damásio in Mozambique is Psikelekedana, a type of softwood carving made from the wood of the cashew nut tree. Dino (Camordino Mustafá Jetha) began to learn to carve at the age of 18 from an elderly neighbor who was a master of the craft. Dino learned to join the figures to a base in order to create scenes of daily life, and customs and traditions such as weddings, and Chiguiana, the after-wedding ceremony for receiving gifts. He received further training from Aid to Artisans and has participated in exhibitions in Maputo as well as participating in the National Fair organized by Centro de Estudos e Desenvolvimento de Artesanato (CEDARTE).

(Notes courtesy of Santa Fe International Folk Art Market).

Camordino Mustafa Jethá (Dino Jethá) was born in the neighborhood of São Dâmaso, on the outskirts of Maputo, on November 5, 1977. There he spent his childhood until the insecurity of wartime forced his family to take refuge in the capital. After peace, he returned to Sao Damaso, where he still lives today.

He learned to work with wood with older neighbours at the age of 13. He made pieces he sold to help with household expenses. First, cars and motorbikes, replicating the ones I saw. Then the same motifs enriched with human figures. Finally, new ideas, new themes, responding to requests and suggestions.

If 2003 is an important year in Dino Jethá's career in Mozambique, it is also a milestone internationally. With the support of international organizations and national figures, he participated in the Cultural Industry Exhibition, in the Chamber of Commerce of Washington DC, in the United States of America. The following year, again in Maputo, he presented at the Camões Institute - Portuguese Cultural Center "Christmas in Psikhelekedana", with several creative nativity scenes and a sequence representing "The Birth of the Child Jesus".

Since then, the activity of Dino Jethá has been intense, especially focused on the foreign market that has managed to conquer. Since 2009, he has been a regular guest at the International Folk Art Market, one of the largest exhibitions of handicrafts worldwide, organized annually by the International Folk Art Alliance in the city of Santa Fe, in the United States of America. 

(Above notes courtesy of Club odf Mozambique

Nativity (#4)
SKU: DNO-1504

Carved wood sculpture, painted.
(9 1/4" h. x 7" w. x 8 1/4" d.).


Dino (Cabordino Mustafa Jetha) - Mozambique
SKU: DNO-1302

Carved wood sculpture, painted.
(4 1/2" h. x 7 1/2" w. x 6 1/2" d.).


Arquitecto (Architect)
SKU: DNO-1405

Carved wood sculpture, painted.
(3 1/2" h. x 4 1/4" w. x 4 1/2" d.).


Cheias Nascimento da Rosita (Flood- Birth of Rosita) - Dino (Cabordino Mustafa Jetha) - Mozambique
SKU: DNO-0903

c. 2014
Carved wood sculpture, painted.
(9 1/2" h. x 9 1/2" w. x 9" d.).
See story below:

This sculpture is based on a true story which took place during Mozambique's terrible floods of March, 2000.  Much of the country was completely flooded, driving people to take refuge on rooftops and in trees.  Sophia Tedro gave birth to her daughter Rosita while she was taking refuge in a tree.  She and Rosita were rescued from the tree by a helicopter.   The story was published around the world, and has now entered into Mozambican folklore.  See accompanying photos from the Guardian, UK.



Product Status: 
Barraca (Bar) #2
SKU: DNO-1507

Carved wood sculpture, painted.
(5" h. x 9 3/4" w. x 7 3/4" d.).


Product Status: 
Dino (Camordino Mustafa Jetha) - Mozambique
SKU: DNO0902

c. 2008, 23015
Carved wood sculpture, painted.
(15" h. x 12" w. x 10" d.).


Product Status: 
Dino (Cabordino Mustafa Jetha) - Mozambique
SKU: DNO-1303

Carved wood sculpture, painted.
(7 1/2" h. x 12 1/2" w. x 7 1/2" d.).


Product Status: 
Praia (Beach)
SKU: DNO1508

Carved wood sculpture, painted.
(11" h. x 9 3/4" w. x 8 3/4" d.).


Product Status: 
Igreja (Church)
SKU: DNO-1304

Carved wood sculpture, painted.
(6 1/4" h. x 6 1/4" w. x 10" d.).


Product Status: 
Posto de Saude (Health Center)
SKU: DNO1407

Carved wood sculpture, painted.
(5 1/2" h. x 7 1/2" w. x 7 3/4" d.).


Product Status: 
Lobolo (Paying the Bride Price)
SKU: Dino-10

Carved wood sculpture, painted.
(7 1/2" h. x 6 3/4" w. x 7 3/4" d.).


Product Status: 
Dino (Cabordino Mustafa Jetha) - Mozambique
SKU: Dino-9

Carved wood sculpture, painted.
(5 1/4" h. x 6 1/2" w. x 5 1/2" d.).


Product Status: 
Dino (Cabordino Mustafa Jetha) - Mozambique
SKU: DNO-1501

Carved wood sculpture, painted.
(5 3/4" h. x 5 1/2" w. x 7" d.).


Product Status: 
Dino (Cabordino Mustafa Jetha) - Mozambique
SKU: Dino-2

c. 2012
Carved wood sculpture, painted.
(5 3/4" h. x 12 1/4" w. x 3 1/4" d.).


Product Status: 
Mercado Xipamanine
SKU: Dino-1

c. 2012
Carved wood sculpture, painted.
(5" h. x 7 1/2" w. x 5" d.).


Product Status: 
Dino (Cabordino Mustafa Jetha) - Mozambique
SKU: DNO-0903

c. 2012, 2014, 2015
Carved wood sculpture, painted.
(6 1/2" h. x 4 1/2" w. x 6" d.).
Two versions shown - exact design may vary.


Product Status: 
Curandeiro (Traditional Healer)
SKU: DNO1403

Carved wood sculpture, painted.
(4" h. x 6 1/4" w. x 6 1/2" d.).


Product Status: 
Parteira (Childbirth)
SKU: DNO-1402

Carved wood sculpture, painted.
(4 1/4" h. x 3 1/4" w. x 5 1/2" d.).


Product Status: 
Adevogado (Advocate)
SKU: DNO1502

Carved wood sculpture, painted.
(4" h. x 4 3/4" w. x 3 1/2" d.).


Product Status: 