I will be out of the country from March 28th to April 9th, and so will not be shipping orders or open for visitors at the gallery. The Indigo Arts website will be active as always. I will respond to emails as soon as possible. I will be able to ship orders after April 9th, 2025.
Happy Spring!

With the high cost of shipping many of our customers choose to ship by USPS. For small and light shipments this is usually less expensive, but please be aware that their estimates are often wrong and their service can be very slow (sixteen days for Priority Mail from Philadelphia to New York City recently). The service is not always as economical as it may appear, particularly on larger or more valuable shipments. USPS estimates only include insurance up to $100 for its domestic shipments. If you ask for full insurance we will recalculate the shipping cost and send you an invoice for any difference in cost. For overseas shipments USPS will not insure for over $650. On request we can get estimates for overseas shipping from DHL.

Josefina Aguilar Alcantara

About the Artist

Josefina Aguilar, c.1990
Josefina Aguilar, c.1990
Josefina Aguilar at work in 1977 (from Folk Treasures of Mexico:  The Nelson A. Rockefeller Collection by Marion Oettinger, Jr.)
Josefina Aguilar at work in 1977 (from Folk Treasures of Mexico: The Nelson A. Rockefeller Collection by Marion Oettinger, Jr.)

Josefina Aguilar Alcántara (daughter of Isaura and Jesús)
Born 1945, Ocotlan de Morelos, Oaxaca, Mexico.  Josefina was unquestionably the greatest artist of the very talented Aguilar sisters, and had a very prolific career.  Unfortunately Josefina is now blind and is no longer creating her own work.

The following brief bio is takern from Wikipedia:
Josefina Aguilar is a Mexican folk artist from Ocotlán de MorelosOaxaca.  She is best known for her small clay figurines, called muñecas, an art form she learned from her mother Isaura Aguilar. Aguilar uses red clay to create depictions of everyday village activities, religious and folkloric scenes, famous figures and special Day of the Dead statues. Collectors of her work have included Nelson Rockefeller, who discovered her work on a trip to Oaxaca in 1975 as well as repeat visitors to Oaxaca, who come to see her latest work. Children's book author Jeanette Winter has written and illustrated a counting book inspired by Aguilar's life and work.

Josefina Aguilar, born in 1945, came to collector Nelson Rockefeller’s attention on a trip to Oaxaca in 1975, and received wide acclaim when she won the first place award at the Gran Premio de Arte Popular in 1977. Josefina lives in a compound in Ocotlán de Morelos with other members of her family who help her with the various stages of collecting and preparing the clay, molding the figures, firing them in a primitive kiln in the compound, and finally adding color with house paints.
Every figure or tableau is different and may include multiple figures and accessories. Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera are popular subjects. Her figures come in various sizes; you can see some of her largest in the nearby ex-convent of Santo Domingo de Guzmán in Ocotlán de Morelos. Her family compound is a popular stop on any folk art tour of Oaxaca. Blind since 2014, Josefina until recently could still make her figures through touch.

(above notes by Nancy Walkup on the website of the Museum of International Folk Art)

Mariachi Band
SKU: JSAG-2418-21

Ocotlan de Morelos, Oaxaca, Mexico, c.1980s
Set of four fired clay figures painted with acrylic paints. Removable sombreros made of corrugated cardboard, painted.
(Figures each approx. 10.5” x 4.25” x 4”)
Vintage "muñeca" sculptures from a collection of Mexican folk art.

$475/set of four

Adam and Eve in the Garden
SKU: JSAG-0806

Ocotlan de Morelos, Oaxaca, Mexico, 2008.
Fired clay figures painted with acrylic paints.
(Tree:  6” h. x  7” w. x 5.0” d.; Adam:  5" h. x 2.5" w.  x 2" d.: Eve:  4 3/4" h. x 2" w. x 1 3/4" d.)

$165 (three pieces)

Frida and her Monkeys
SKU: JSAG-1901

Ocotlan de Morelos, Oaxaca, Mexico, c.2000.
Fired clay figure painted with acrylic paints.
(4 1/4" w. x 3” d. x 5 1/4” h.)  
Vintage "muñeca" sculpture from a collection of Mexican folk art.


La Sirena and the Octopus
SKU: JSAG-1805

Ocotlan de Morelos, Oaxaca, Mexico, c.1995.
Fired clay figure painted with acrylic paints.
(7" w. x 5" d. x 4 1/4" h.)  
Vintage sculpture from a collection of Mexican folk art.


Woman Carrying a Watermelon and a Child
SKU: JSAG-2410

Ocotlan de Morelos, Oaxaca, Mexico, c.1980s
Fired clay figure painted with acrylic paints.
(11” x 4” x 3.75")
Vintage "muñeca" sculpture from a collection of Mexican folk art.


La Sirena and the Star Fish
SKU: JSAG-1803

Ocotlan de Morelos, Oaxaca, Mexico, c.1995.
Fired clay figure painted with acrylic paints.
(5 1/4" w. x 5 3/4" d. x 3 1/4" h.)  
Vintage sculpture from a collection of Mexican folk art.


Village Priest
SKU: JSAG-2416

Ocotlan de Morelos, Oaxaca, Mexico, c.1980s
Fired clay figure painted with acrylic paints.
(12” x 4” x 4.5")
Vintage "muñeca" sculpture from a collection of Mexican folk art.


Woman with a Watermelon
SKU: JSAG-2412

Ocotlan de Morelos, Oaxaca, Mexico, c.1980s
Fired clay figure painted with acrylic paints.
(10.5” x 3.75” x 4")
Vintage "muñeca" sculpture from a collection of Mexican folk art.


Woman in White Traje and Rebozo
SKU: JSAG-2413

Ocotlan de Morelos, Oaxaca, Mexico, c.1980s
Fired clay figure painted with acrylic paints.
(10.5” x 4.5” x 3.5")
Vintage "muñeca" sculpture from a collection of Mexican folk art.


Woman with White Bird
SKU: JSAG-2014

Ocotlan de Morelos, Oaxaca, Mexico, c.1980s
Fired clay figure painted with acrylic paints.
(12” x 4” x 3.5")
Vintage "muñeca" sculpture from a collection of Mexican folk art.


Man Playing Cymbals
SKU: JSAG-2415

Ocotlan de Morelos, Oaxaca, Mexico, c.1980s
Fired clay figure painted with acrylic paints.
(12” x 4” x 4.5")
Vintage "muñeca" sculpture from a collection of Mexican folk art.


Woman  Carrying Bird to the Market
SKU: JSAG-2401

Ocotlan de Morelos, Oaxaca, Mexico, c.1980s
Fired clay figure painted with acrylic paints.
(3 1/2" w. x 3 1/2” d. x 11” h.)  
Vintage "muñeca" sculpture from a collection of Mexican folk art.


Man with a Bottle
SKU: JSAG-2402

Ocotlan de Morelos, Oaxaca, Mexico, c.1980s
Fired clay figure painted with acrylic paints.
(3 1/2" w. x 3 1/2” d. x 11” h.)  
Vintage "muñeca" sculpture from a collection of Mexican folk art.  Note repaired crack on back, shown in photo.


Woman in Traje - Traditional Dress
SKU: JSAG-2403

Ocotlan de Morelos, Oaxaca, Mexico, c.1980s
Fired clay figure painted with acrylic paints.
(3 1/2" w. x 3 1/2” d. x 11” h.)  
Vintage "muñeca" sculpture from a collection of Mexican folk art.


Woman with Tortillas
SKU: JSAG-2404

Ocotlan de Morelos, Oaxaca, Mexico, c.1980s
Fired clay figure painted with acrylic paints.
(3 1/2" w. x 3 1/2” d. x 11” h.)  
Vintage "muñeca" sculpture from a collection of Mexican folk art.


Hungry Dinosaur - Vintage Sculpture
SKU: JSAG-1603

Ocotlan de Morelos, Oaxaca, Mexico, c.1990.
Fired clay figure painted with acrylic paints.
(7" w. x 7" d. x 8 1/2" h.).
Vintage sculpture from a major collection of Mexican folk art.  Some minor repairs, but generally in excellent condition.


Product Status: 
Woman with a Camera
SKU: JSAG-2422

Ocotlan de Morelos, Oaxaca, Mexico, c.1990
Fired clay figure painted with acrylic paints.
(11” x 4” x 3.75")
Vintage "muñeca" sculpture from a collection of Mexican folk art.


Product Status: 
Hungry Dinosaur - Vintage Sculpture
SKU: JSAG-1602

Ocotlan de Morelos, Oaxaca, Mexico, c.1990.
Fired clay figure painted with acrylic paints.
(6" w. x 6" d. x 8 1/2" h.).
Vintage sculpture from a major collection of Mexican folk art.  Some minor repairs, but generally in excellent condition.



Product Status: 
 Tribute to Frida Kahlo's "My Dress Hangs There"
SKU: JSAG-1902

Ocotlan de Morelos, Oaxaca, Mexico, c.1995.
Fired clay figure painted with acrylic paints.
(5 1/2” w. x 4” d. x 6 1/4” h.)  
Vintage sculpture from a collection of Mexican folk art.
Note:  some minor repairs by previous owner (see photos).


Product Status: 
Adam and Eve in the Garden
SKU: JSAG-1601

Ocotlan de Morelos, Oaxaca, Mexico, c. 2000.
Fired clay figure painted with acrylic paints.
(7.25” h. x  5.5” w. x 5.0” d.)


Product Status: 
La Sirena and the Big Fish
SKU: JSAG-1802

Ocotlan de Morelos, Oaxaca, Mexico, c.1995.
Fired clay figure painted with acrylic paints.
(9 3/4" w. x 2 1/2" d. x 5 1/2" h.)  
Vintage sculpture from a collection of Mexican folk art.


Product Status: 
Woman Selling Fruit
SKU: JSAG-2417

Ocotlan de Morelos, Oaxaca, Mexico, c.1980s
Fired clay figure painted with acrylic paints.
(9 1/4” x 4.5” x 4")
Vintage "muñeca" sculpture from a collection of Mexican folk art.


Product Status: 
Woman Making Tortillas
SKU: JSAG-2407

Ocotlan de Morelos, Oaxaca, Mexico, c.1980s
Fired clay figure painted with acrylic paints.
(9.25” x 4” x 4.5”)
Vintage "muñeca" sculpture from a collection of Mexican folk art.


Product Status: 
Woman with a Dog
SKU: JSAG-2411

Ocotlan de Morelos, Oaxaca, Mexico, c.1980s
Fired clay figure painted with acrylic paints.
(11” x 4” x 3.75")
Vintage "muñeca" sculpture from a collection of Mexican folk art.


Product Status: 
Man with a Pineapple
SKU: JSAG-2405

Ocotlan de Morelos, Oaxaca, Mexico, c.1980s
Fired clay figure painted with acrylic paints.
(4" w. x 3 1/4” d. x 11” h.)  
Vintage "muñeca" sculpture from a collection of Mexican folk art.


Product Status: 
Josefina Aguilar Shower
SKU: JSAG-0801

Ocotlan de Morelos, Oaxaca, Mexico, c.2008.
Fired clay figure painted with acrylic paints.
(4" w. x 3" d. x 8 1/2" h.)


Product Status: 
Virgen de Guadalupe
SKU: JSAG-0803

Ocotlan de Morelos, Oaxaca, Mexico, c.2008.
Fired clay figure painted with acrylic paints.
(6" w. x 3" d. x 8" h.)​


Product Status: 
Guadalupe Boat
SKU: JSAG-0807

Ocotlan de Morelos, Oaxaca, Mexico, 2008.
Fired clay figures painted with acrylic paints.
(Boat:  4” h. x  3 1/2” w. x 6 1/2” d.; Woman:  4 1/2" h. x 2" w.  x 3" d.: Oar:  6 1/2" long)


Product Status: 
Revolutionary Embrace
SKU: JSAG-0805

Ocotlan de Morelos, Oaxaca, Mexico, c.2008.
Fired clay figure painted with acrylic paints.
(3 1/2" w. x 2 1/2" d. x 6 1/4" h.)


Product Status: 
The Flower Seller
SKU: JSAG-1801

Ocotlan de Morelos, Oaxaca, Mexico, c.1995.
Fired clay figure painted with acrylic paints.
(4" w. x 4" d. x 5 1/2" h.)  
Vintage sculpture from a collection of Mexican folk art.


Product Status: 
The Flower Seller
SKU: JSAG-1804

Ocotlan de Morelos, Oaxaca, Mexico, c.1995.
Fired clay figure painted with acrylic paints.
(3 1/2" w. x 3 1/2" d. x 6 1/2" h.)  
Vintage sculpture from a collection of Mexican folk art.


Product Status: 
Taking San Sebastian to the Market
SKU: JSAG-0804

Ocotlan de Morelos, Oaxaca, Mexico, c.2008.
Fired clay figure painted with acrylic paints.
(2 1/2" w. x 3" d. x 8" h.)


Product Status: 
Man in the Shower
SKU: JSAG-0802

Ocotlan de Morelos, Oaxaca, Mexico, c.2008.
Fired clay figure painted with acrylic paints.
(4 1/4" w. x 2 1/2" d. x 8 3/4" h.)


Product Status: 