I will be away from the gallery between August 26th and September 4th, and so will not be shipping or open for visitors at the gallery. The Indigo Arts website will be active as always. I will respond to emails as soon as possible. I will be able to ship orders after September 4th, 2024.
Happy Labor Day!

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Pascale Monnin

About the Artist

Pascale Monnin
Pascale Monnin
Pascale Monnin
Pascale Monnin


PASCALE MONNIN (Information below courtesy of Galerie Monnin)


"These characters, these animals which live in my paintings are a little like gods, spirits of a mythology that belong to me. They whisper something that I cannot completely grasp, they speak of the living, of the dead. They speak about me, but their language is coded and I can't quite understand them. Fellow travelers they are at times friendly, terrible, defenders or manipulators, they send back in mirror image wanderings, poetry and doubt."


Born in Port-au-Prince March, 1974.




2011 : solo exhibit, Galerie Monnin, HAITI, july.

         54th Venice Biennale, « Haitian Pavillion » , may.

        « Royaume de ce monde », Agnes B gallery, Paris, april

        « Nomad two worlds », Studio Pier 59, Santa Monica, CA,                 february.     

2010 :« Amazones”, Musee du Montparnasse, November.

         Private show, Casa de Campo, Dominican Republic, august

        Solo expo, Galerie LecLecTic, Noumea, NewCaledonia, june

2009 : Chili, Globe Women Summit : exposition collective, 

         “Dialogue 1 : Haiti Art Now”, BARNA Business School, D.R.,

  Afrika Museum, Berg en Dal,  Holland

         Private show, Casa de Campo, Dominican Republic, august

         One man show, Rommainmotiers, Switzerland

         Patchworldverlag, Botschaft von Berlin, Germany

2008 :Private show, Casa de Campo, Dominican Republic, august

         Cultur’Elle, French institute Port au Price, Haïti

         L.A. Municipal Gallery Los Angeles, USA

2007 :Galerie Monnin,Paroles Vegetales, P.V, Haiti

         Private show, Casa de Campo, Dominican Republic, august

         Casa de las Americas, Habana

2006 :Galerie Monnin, Pétion Ville, Haiti

         Private show, Casa de Campo, Dominican Republic, august

2005 :Gallery 16, Yverdon, Switzerland

         Gallery Lakaye, Los Angeles, USA

         Castle of Châtelard, Montreux, Switzerland

2004 : « Ceramic Heads », Galerie Monnin, Pétion Ville, Haiti

         FONDAM Fundraiser, Washington D.C.,USA

         Bicentennial of Haiti, Hotel Drouot , Paris, FRANCE

2003 : Two-woman show, Gallery Lakaye,L.A, USA

         Art and Soul of Haiti, Bitz building, Pittsburg, USA

         Galerie Monnin, Pétion-ville, Haiti

         Galerie Loa, Nice, France

         "Voodoo", Abbey of Daoulas, France, March (catalog)

         Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo, Norway (catalog)

2002 : Schweitzer Hospital Auction in Pitz Building, Pittsburg, USA

         Bamboo Gallery, Turks and Caicos, Virgin Islands

         Bloom, Chelsea, NY, USA

2001 : Galerie Monnin, Pétion ville, Haiti

         "Women of the world ", curated by Claudia Del Monte, Art center White Columns, NY

2000 : Halle St Pierre Museum, Paris, France (catalog)

1999 : "International Artists Encounter  Mural", Santiago, Cuba.

         Ramscale Gallery, NY, USA

1998 : Bloom, Chelsea, NY, USA

         Arche de la Defense, Paris, France (catalog)

1997 : Bienal Nuevo centro d'Arte, Santo Domingo, D.R. (Catalog)              "Erotic Art ", Gallery Bourbon-Lally, Pétionville, Haiti

1996 : Gallery Lakaye, Los Angeles.

         Third Biennial, Santo Domingo, D.R. (Catalog )

         Triennal of Cuenca, Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador.

1995 : Galerie Monnin, Pétionville, Haiti.

         Centro de Bellas Artes, Maracaibo, Venezuela.


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Red Dogs
SKU: PSMN-1601

Petionville, Haiti, 2003
Oil on canvas with steel frame by artist (30" x 40").
Note:  This painting was donated by the collector to the non-profit organization, Outreach to Haiti, and is offered for sale to raise funds for their charitable activities in Haiti.  You may learn more about that norganization at Outreach to Haiti.


Product Status: 