A chance to give back to kids in Haiti.
by AFisher
For the last six years we have offered papier maché bird and fish ornaments and sculptures made by the children in Jacmel's inspiring Art Creation Foundation for Children. The ACFFC is a non-profit, non-denominational facility - a combination art center/school/lunch program for the kids of Jacmel, Haiti.
We offer these birds again this year, as a benefit to the ACFFC.
This year our friend Judy Hoffman, who founded the Art Creation Foundation for Children in 1999, has offered a collection of fine Haitian drapo (Vodou flags) and paintings for sale. A portion of the proceeds will be donated for the benefit of the foundation, which states its mission as "EMPOWERING STUDENTS TO CHANGE THEIR WORLD THROUGH ART". Please consider this beautiful collection. We will continue to add more pieces over the next few weeks.
In 2009 I had the privilege of visiting the kids of the ACFFC and sharing their lunch at their converted house in Jacmel. Just two months later the 2010 earthquake destroyed most of Jacmel and killed much of its population. Fortunately the ACFFC house, and most of its children and staff survived.
The ACFFC has played an important part in the reconstruction of Jacmel. In 2014 I visited Jacmel again. Much of the city was still in ruins. But along the once shabby waterfront the young artists of Jacmel have taken the rubble to bring about a miraculous transformation in mosaic.