Judy Hoffman founded the non-profit Art Creation Foundation for Children in Jacmel, Haiti in 1999. This year Judy has offered a collection of fine Haitian drapo (Vodou flags) and paintings for sale. A portion of the proceeds will be donated for the benefit of this inspiring foundation, which states its mission as "EMPOWERING STUDENTS TO CHANGE THEIR WORLD THROUGH ART". I had the privilege of visiting the kids of the ACFFC at their converted house in Jacmel in 2009 - just two months before the 2010 earthquake which destroyed much of Jacmel. Fortunately the ACFFC house, and the children and staff in it survived, and the ACFFC has played an important part in the reconstruction of Jacmel.
I will be out of the country from March 28th to April 9th, and so will not be shipping orders or open for visitors at the gallery. The Indigo Arts website will be active as always. I will respond to emails as soon as possible. I will be able to ship orders after April 9th, 2025.
Happy Spring!