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Elio Vilva Trujillo

About the Artist

Elio Vilva in Trinidad, Cuba, 2003. ( Photograph © Anthony Hart Fisher)
Elio Vilva in Trinidad, Cuba, 2003. ( Photograph © Anthony Hart Fisher)

Elio Vilva Trujillo was born in Trinidad, Cuba in 1957. He is a self-taught artist and fundamentally very influenced by the Santeria religion, a fusion of Yoruba and Roman Catholic doctrines. His paintings in the main are an exploration of his psychological and religious references to include symbolic imagery, mythological metaphors, Masonic and ritualistic ceremonies to create intricate and complex narratives in bright, flat often primary colours.

Oggun, Orisha Mayor
SKU: EV-0802

Acrylic and ink on paper
(19 3/4 x 9 1/2), 2008.

Text around perimeter:  "Oggún, Orisha Mayor, hermano de Changó y Elegguá, Violento y astuto es el dios de los minerales, las montanas y las herramientas, Patrón de los herreros, mecánicos, ingenieros y fisicos - quimicos y de los soldados.  Domina los secretos del monte como un brujo.  Es el dueño de las llaves, las cadenas y los carceles sus colores son verde, negro y morado."  (Oggún, Greater Orisha, brother of Changó and Elegguá.  Violent and cunning, he is the god of minerals, mountains and tools.  Patron of blacksmiths, mechanics, engineers and physicists - chemists and soldiers.  Master of the secrets of the mountain like a sorcerer.  He is the owner of the keys, the chains and the prisons. His colors are green, black and purple.).


Chango, Orisha Mayor
SKU: EV-2201

Trinidad, Cuba.
Ink and watercolor on paper
(18" x 14"), 2000.
Matted and Framed.

Text around perimeter: "CHANGÓ. Orisha Mayor. Dios del fuego, del rayo, de la guerra, de los ilú batá, del baile, la música y la belleza viril, patrón de los guerreros y los tempestades. Su padrino es Osain quien le dio el secreto de las hierbas. Su número es el 4 y sus días son el viernes y todos los 4. Sus colores son el rojo y el blanco. Es el padre de los ibejis. Sus amanes son innumerables aunque sus mujeres propias son Oyá obra Yurú y Ochún. Se sincroniza en Cuba con Santa Bárbara y se celebra el 4 de Diciembre. ("CHANGÓ. Greater Orisha. God of fire, lightning, war, ilú batá, dance, music and virile beauty, patron of warriors and storms. His godfather is Osain who gave him the secret of herbs. His number is 4 and his days are Friday and all 4. His colors are red and white. He is the father of the ibejis. His lovers are innumerable although his own wives are Oyá obba Yurú and Ochún. It is synchronized in Cuba with Santa Bárbara and is celebrated on December 4.")


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