Paintings and Works on Paper by José Fuster, Alicia Leal, Manuel Mendive, José Garcia Montebravo, Pelly, Luis El Estudiante Rodriguez, Jorgé Sanfiel, Roberto Torres Lameda and others.
Celebrating El Festival Cubano 2003,
Philadelphia’s third annual celebration of Cuban Art and Culture
Artists: Richard Bruff Bruff, José Fuster, Arnaldo Garcia Rodriguez, Roberto Torres Lameda, Angel Llopiz Martinez, Manuel Mendive, José Garcia Montebravo, Pelly, Luis “El Estudiante” Rodriguez, Luis Joaquin Rodriguez, Jorgé Sanfiel & Wayacon
Philadelphia, PA - For the third year in a row Indigo Arts Gallery is joining in El Festival Cubano, Philadelphia’s annual celebration of Cuban art and culture. Cuban Visions/Visiones Cubanas is the the fourth annual show of work by artists from Cuba at Indigo Arts, which has specialized in international ethnographic, folk and contemporary Arts since 1986.
The collection in Cuban Visions/Visiones Cubanas includes work by both self-taught and trained artists who live and work in Cuba. Among the self-taught artists are José Garcia Montebravo, Jorge Sanfiel and other painters from Cienfuegos, Abel Perez Mainegra from Trinidad and Reina Ledon and Pelly from Pinar del Rio, as well as members of the Bayate Group (El Grupo Bayate) from near Santiago in Eastern Cuba, featured in last year’s exhibition, Por un Mundo Mejor/For a Better World. Their work will be joined this year by the paintings of celebrated Havana painter and ceramicist José Fuster, and prints by Alicia Leal and the Afro-Cuban master, Manuel Mendive.
Artist José Fuster has been invited to attend the opening reception on October 3rd. However, at this writing a US visa has still not been issued. Please contact Indigo Arts for the latest information on his planned appearance.
Indigo Arts wishes to express its thanks to the Center for Cuban Studies in New York, and in particular the director, Sandra Levinson, for their invaluable assistance in presenting this exhibition. Many of the works in the exhibition are shown courtesy of the Center for Cuban Studies and the Center has sponsored Mr. Fuster’s planned visit to the United States. We also wish to thank El Festival Cubano, its director, Laurence Salzmann, and its major sponsor, Moonstone, Inc. for bringing this annual celebration to Philadelphia, often against formidable odds.
We urge you to ask your senator and congressman to restore your freedom to travel to and from Cuba.