About the Artist
Gesner Abelard (1922 - ?)
Gesner Abelard was born on February 22, 1922 in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. He worked as an automobile mechanic and then as a private detective before studying sculpture at the Ecole Industrielle under Ulberman Charles, son of Normil Charles, also a renowned sculptor. In 1946 Abelard joined the Centre d'Art where he began painting. He was awarded the bronze medal in an exhibit that celebrated the 200th anniversary of the founding of the city of Port-au-Prince in 1949. He is notable for his paintings of lush foliage and birds. He is considered a Haitian master and has been exhibited worldwide. While we believe that Abelard is now deceased we do not have a date or place. (Biographical information above taken from Haitian Arts by Marie-José Nadal-Gardere and Gerald Bloncourt - Paris, 1986).