About the Artist

Brothers Armando and Moises Jimenez are the grandsons of the master woodcarver Manuel Jimenez, of Arrazola, Oaxaca. Manuel Jimenez is generally acknowledged as the father of Oaxacan woodcarving, who turned the small farming village on the slopes of Monte Alban into a boom town. Armando and Moises work with their wives, Antonia Carrillo and Oralia Cardenas, and their children. They carry on the tradition of sensitively observed naturalistic carving and colorful but restrained painting mastered by their grandfather. Since 2018 Armando Jimenez and his son Alejandro have regularly exhibited their work at the International Folk Art Market in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Their work illustrates the children's book, ABeCedarios: Mexican Folk Art ABCs in English and Spanish (by Cynthia Weill and K.B. Basseches, Cinco Puntos Press, 2007).