With the high cost of shipping many of our customers choose to ship by USPS. For small and light shipments this is usually less expensive, but please be aware that their estimates are often wrong and their service can be very slow (sixteen days for Priority Mail from Philadelphia to New York City recently). The service is not always as economical as it may appear, particularly on larger or more valuable shipments. USPS estimates only include insurance up to $100 for its domestic shipments. If you ask for full insurance we will recalculate the shipping cost and send you an invoice for any difference in cost. For overseas shipments USPS will not insure for over $650. On request we can get estimates for overseas shipping from DHL.

José Francisco Borges

About the Artist

Jose Francisco Borges, 2005 from the New York Tmes
Jose Francisco Borges, 2005 from the New York Tmes
Jose Francisco Borges and Ivan Borges demonstrate printing at the International Folk Art market in Santa Fe, July, 2005 (Photo by A H Fisher)
Jose Francisco Borges and Ivan Borges demonstrate printing at the International Folk Art market in Santa Fe, July, 2005 (Photo by A H Fisher)
Jose Francisco Borges Bezerros, Pernambuco, Brazil, 1990
Jose Francisco Borges Bezerros, Pernambuco, Brazil, 1990
Jose Francisco Borges at the International Folk Art market in Santa Fe, July, 2005 (Photo by A H Fisher)
Jose Francisco Borges at the International Folk Art market in Santa Fe, July, 2005 (Photo by A H Fisher)
Jose Francisco Borges and Ivan Borges demonstrate printing at the International Folk Art market in Santa Fe, July, 2005 (Photo by A H Fisher)
Jose Francisco Borges and Ivan Borges demonstrate printing at the International Folk Art market in Santa Fe, July, 2005 (Photo by A H Fisher)

José Francisco Borges (December 20, 1935 - July 26, 2024)

Artist and poet José Francisco Borges was born in 1935 in the village of Bezerros, Pernambuco state, in Northeastern Brazil. Borges was Brazil's best-known folk artist working in the wood-cut medium, and his work has been exhibited all over the world. But he came out of a long tradition of folk poet/artists who publish their own work in the form of small (generally about 6" by 9") cheap chap-books or pamphlets written in verse, known as folhetos. They are also known as literatura de cordel after the way vendors sell them in the marketplace, hanging over a string. This tradition (including the work of Borges) is described in detail by Candace Slater in her book Stories on a String.

Marion Oettinger, Jr. describes these folhetos in his book The Folk Art of Latin America: Visiones del Pueblo: "Brazilian chap books deal with popular poetry, accounts of local catastrophes, popular legends, famous crimes, and infamous love affairs. The Man who Married a Donkey, The Son Who Murdered His Parents in Order to Get His Hands on Their Retirement Benefit, The Football Game in Hell, and The Overturned Bus Disaster are examples of the alluring titles found in a typical marketplace. The front of these pamplets usually contain wood-block illustrations of the book's contents, and they, in themselves, form a special type of folk expression.... Frequently, chap book vendors sing the songs in their books or read aloud the contents of their books to market crowds, many of whom are illiterate, and their voices usually draw enormous gatherings."

José Francisco Borges began writing verse for folhetos in his 20s, and soon also began to operate a printing press to produce woodcut prints for their covers. In the 1960s his woodcuts came to be recognized in their own right. He was encouraged to produce images in larger formats, in color as well as the more traditional black and white.But even in larger formats, his prints reflect the same popular themes, such as The Honeymoon of Matuto (an archetypal back-country bumpkin), The Monster of the Backlands, The Woman who Put the Devil in a Bottle, and many tales of the legendary bandit Lampiao.

Borges' work has been exhibited all over Brazil as well as in Paris, Zurich, Buenos Aires and in Germany and the United States. The Louvre, the Smithsonian and the Museum of International Folk Art in Santa Fe have exhibited Borges' work. Borges also collaborated with the noted Uruguayan author, Eduardo Galeano, providing fanciful illustrations for his collection of equally fanciful tales, Walking Words. You may read more about Borges in the New York Times article, "From Brazil's Backlands, a Master of a Folk Tradition" (March 27, 2002).

In 2005 the New York Times carried an excellent article on the cordel tradition, featuring Borges and others, "The Traveling Troubadors of Brazil's Backlands" (June 14, 2005).

Recently (July 25, 2017) the New York Times posted Artist at Work: Carving Woodblock Prints in Brazil, a video tour of the workshop of José Francisco Borges.    Its in their The Daily 360  series, so you can see him working in his Bezerros, Brazil studio in full 360 degree color.  

The following biography is courtesy of the Smithsonian Institution's Folklife Festival:

"I was born in the countryside in Pernambuco, on December 20, 1935. My father was a farmer and I helped him farm the land from the age of eight. It was not until the age of twelve that I attended school for the first time, but for just ten months when the only teacher moved away. The day I could write my name and read was a big event. My teacher was surprised by how fast I was learning. Since then, reading whatever I saw was my favorite way to spend my time. But in those days, there were no newspapers, magazines or radio where we lived. All we had for distraction were cordel leaflets. They took their name from the cords from which they hung at newsstands. They were inexpensive and often illustrated with a woodcut print on the cover. My father read these stories to his children. 

"In 1952, due to a drought, my family moved to a city. I was then seventeen and have worked as a carpenter, peddler, wall painter, potter, and more. In 1956, I bought a lot of cordel leaflets and began to sell them at popular fairs. 

"In 1964, I wrote my first cordel leaflet, ?The Encounter of Two Cowboys in the Petrolina Hinterland,' and got it illustrated by an artist named Dila. In two months, I sold five thousand copies. For my second leaflet, I couldn't afford a cover illustration and decided to do it myself. It was my first woodcut and depicted the facade of a church. 

"Looking back at those years, I feel very grateful for what life has given me. For a very simple man with only ten months of schooling, being recognized sand honored in Brazil and elsewhere was incredible. But my great joy and luck was meeting Ariano Suassuna, a great writer who made me known made me known all over Brazil and abroad. Another person I enjoyed meeting and working with was the Uruguayan writer Eduardo Galeano for whom I made 185 engravings that illustrate his book Walking Words 

"Even so, I don't take advantage of that fame to charge high prices for my work. I want it in the homes of mason, carpenters, farmers, and not only in the homes of the rich. 

"With my woodcuts and cordels, I was able to raise my eighteen children. I like what I do and have taught my technique to my sons and apprentices. It is a way to perpetuate my art. I want to work for as long as I am healthy, and to enjoy life." 

J. Borges's woodcuts have been exhibited in a number of countries in Europe and Latin America, as well as in the United States, in museums, galleries and cultural events. 

He was awarded the Order of Merit by Brazilian President Fernando Henrique Cardoso In 2002, he received the UNESCO award in the Educational / Cultural Action category and was chosen to illustrate the United Nations annual calendar, where his woodcut "Life in the Forest" opens the year. 

In 2006, he was featured in the The New York Times. The writer Ariano Suassuna considered him the best popular xylographer in the Northeast. J. Borges was declared a Living Heritage by the State of Pernambuco. 

In addition to Eduardo Galeano's Walking Words, the artist also illustrated Nobel Prize-winning author Jose de Sousa Saramago's book The Lizard.

Each impression of a print is unique. Colors may vary slightly from the image shown here. In some cases the artist may have carved a new block as well, so some details may vary. Additional copies of prints marked SOLD may be available, though it may take some time to obtain them from Brazil. Please feel free to inquire about availability.


Related Video

O Psicanalista - José Francisco Borges

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (12 1/2" x 19 1/2" image on 19" x 26" sheet), 2005, 2006, 2020.
Exact details may vary.


Fugindo da Seca (Fleeing the Drought) - black and white
SKU: JFB-81b

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (image size 12" x 19 5/8", sheet size 19" x 26"), 1999


O Psicanalista (color) - José Francisco Borges

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (12 1/2 x 19 1/2), 2002, 2006, 2013, 2020.
Colors and exact design may vary.


O Contador de Mentiras
SKU: JFB-80c

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (14 1/2" x 21 1/2" image on 19" x 26" sheet), 2005, 2017
Colors and exact design will vary.


A Mulher Que Botou O Diabo Na Garrafa (Black & White)
SKU: JFB-16b

(The Woman who put the Devil in a Bottle)
José Francisco Borges (Bezerros, Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (19 1/2" x 11 1/2" image on 26" x 19" sheet), 2005, 2006, 2008
Exact design may vary.


Campo Sertanejo (Countryside of the Sertao)
SKU: JFB-217c

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print (color) on paper (13 1/4" x 20 1/4" image on 19" x 26" sheet),  2014.
From a private collection.  Framed (some scratches on existing frame).


José Francisco Borges - A Noiva Sertaneja (black & white)
SKU: JFB-58b

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print (color) on paper (19 1/2" x 12 1/2" on 26" x 19" sheet), 2000, 2004, 2008.
Exact design may vary.


A Moca Que Virou Cobra (The Girl Who Became a Cobra)
SKU: JFB-226c

Woodcut print (color) on paper (12" x 19 1/2" image on 19" x 26" sheet),  2002.
Exact design and colors may vary.


A Noiva Sertaneja (color)
SKU: JFB-58c

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print (color) on paper (19 1/2" x 12 1/2" image on 26" x 19" sheet), 2004, 2006, 2008, 2011, 2017.
Exact colors and design may vary.



Woodcut print on paper (10" x 16" image on 19" x 26" sheet), 2000, 2004, 2008


A Psicanalista (bw)
SKU: JFB-23b

José Francisco Borges (Bezerros, Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (13" x 19 1/2" image on 19" x 26" sheet), 1999, 2004, 2005, 2020.
Exact details may vary.


Nossa Senhora de Guadalupe (black and white)

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (18 1/2" x 10" on 26" x 19" sheet), 2004, 2006.


SKU: JFB-24c

Woodcut print on paper (10" x 16" image on 19" x 26" sheet), 2000, 2004, 2008
Colors may vary.


O Resador de Dentes (black and white)

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (11 1/2" x 19 1/2" image on 19" x 26" sheet), 2007


O Casamento do Cachorro
SKU: JFB-132

osé Francisco Borges (Brazil), 2003
Woodcut print on paper (20" x 14" on 26" x 19" sheet)


José Francisco Borges
SKU: JFB-113

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (19 3/4 x 14), 2006


Product Status: 
Temporarily out of stock
O Amor No Serrado (Love in the Serrado)
SKU: JFB-203

José Francisco Borges (Bezerros, Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (22" x 14 1/2" image on 26" x 19" sheet), 2009, 2014


Product Status: 
Temporarily out of stock
A Danca do Escandelo
SKU: JFB-206

José Francisco Borges (Bezerros, Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (13 3/4" x 19" image on 19" x 26" sheet), 2014, 2017
Colors and details may vary.


Product Status: 
Temporarily out of stock
José Francisco Borges
SKU: JFB-185c

José Francisco Borges (Brazil), 2007
Woodcut print on paper (19 3/4 x 11)


Product Status: 
Temporarily out of stock
José Francisco Borges
SKU: JFB-186

José Francisco Borges (Brazil), 2002
Woodcut print on paper (17 1/2 x 12 1/8)


Product Status: 
Temporarily out of stock
Piquenique Na Mata
SKU: JFB-15b

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (19 1/2" x 12" image on 26" x 19" sheet), 2005


Product Status: 
Temporarily out of stock
José Francisco Borges

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (19 x 12), 2005



Product Status: 
Temporarily out of stock
José Francisco Borges

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (19 1/2 x 12 3/4), 2005


Product Status: 
Temporarily out of stock
Sao Francisco (color)
SKU: JFB-55c

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print (color) on paper (19 1/2" x 12" image on 26" x 19" sheet), 2004


Product Status: 
Temporarily out of stock
A Jardineira
SKU: JFB-211c

José Francisco Borges (Bezerros, Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (19 1/2" x 11 1/2" image on 26" x 19" sheet), 2013, 2017.
Exact colors may vary.


Product Status: 
Temporarily out of stock
José Francisco Borges
SKU: JFB-152

José Francisco Borges (Brazil), 2008
Woodcut print on paper (15 x 20 1/4)


Product Status: 
Temporarily out of stock
José Francisco Borges
SKU: JFB-112

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (13 3/4 x 20), 2006


Product Status: 
Temporarily out of stock
José Francisco Borges
SKU: JFB-136

José Francisco Borges (Brazil), 2007, 2011
Woodcut print on paper (13 x 20 1/2)


Product Status: 
Temporarily out of stock
José Francisco Borges
SKU: JFB-180

José Francisco Borges (Brazil), 2008, 2009
Woodcut print on paper (8 1/4" x 12 3/8")


Product Status: 
Temporarily out of stock
José Francisco Borges
SKU: JFB-181

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (5 1/2" x 9 1/8"), 2004


Product Status: 
Temporarily out of stock
Acerola (2007)

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (8" x 7"  on 11 1/2" x 10" sheet), 2007, 2011, 2014, 2017, 2021.
Exact design and colors will vary.


Product Status: 
Temporarily out of stock
José Francisco Borges
SKU: JFB-150

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (6 3/4" x 5 1/2"  on 11 1/2" x 10" sheet), 2004, 2006, 2008, 2009
Colors may vary


Product Status: 
Temporarily out of stock
Jaboticaba - José Francisco Borges
SKU: JFB-143

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (7 1/4" x 7 1/4" on 11 1/2" x 11" sheet), 2006, 2009, 2011, 2021.
Exact design and colors will vary.


Product Status: 
Temporarily out of stock
José Francisco Borges
SKU: JFB-116

José Francisco Borges (Brazil)
Woodcut print on paper (9 1/2 x 5 3/4), 2006


Product Status: 
Temporarily out of stock
José Francisco Borges
SKU: JFB-105

Woodcut print on paper
(7 x 6 1/2), 2006


Product Status: 
Temporarily out of stock
José Francisco Borges
SKU: JFB-123

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (8 1/4 x 5), 2007


Product Status: 
Temporarily out of stock
José Francisco Borges - Limao
SKU: JFB-169

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (6 1/2" x 6 1/2" image on 13" x 9 1/2" sheet), 2009, 2011, 2017.
Design and colors may vary.


Product Status: 
Temporarily out of stock
José Francisco Borges
SKU: JFB-122b

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (5 1/2 x 10 3/4), 2007


Product Status: 
Temporarily out of stock
José Francisco Borges
SKU: JFB-165

Woodcut print on paper
(5 1/4 x 8), 2008


Product Status: 
Temporarily out of stock
José Francisco Borges
SKU: JFB-171

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (7 1/8 x 4 3/8), 2009


Product Status: 
Temporarily out of stock
José Francisco Borges

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (6 x 8), 1992


Product Status: 
Temporarily out of stock
Musica Sentimental de La Vida Cosmica

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (6" x 8" image on 11" x 14" sheet), 2007


Product Status: 
Temporarily out of stock
José Francisco Borges

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (7 1/2" x 7 1/2"  on 11 1/2" x 10" sheet), 2005


Product Status: 
Temporarily out of stock
José Francisco Borges
SKU: JFB-144

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (4 1/2 x 4 1/2), 2005


Product Status: 
Temporarily out of stock
José Francisco Borges
SKU: JFB-173

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (5 5/8" x 8 5/8" on 11 1/2" x 10" sheet), 2009


Product Status: 
Temporarily out of stock
Yemanja (#3)
SKU: JFB-106

Yemanja (#3) 
José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (4" x 7 1/4" on 13" x 9 1/2" sheet), 2006, 2007, 2011


Product Status: 
Temporarily out of stock
José Francisco Borges

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (8 1/2"  x 4"  on 11 1/2" x 10" sheet), 2002, 2004


Product Status: 
Temporarily out of stock
José Francisco Borges

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (5 1/4" x 8 1/4"  on 11 1/2" x 10" sheet), 2005


Product Status: 
Temporarily out of stock
José Francisco Borges
SKU: JFB-128

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (7 1/2" x 5 1/8" on 11 1/2" x 10" sheet), 2007


Product Status: 
Temporarily out of stock
SKU: JFB-201b

Juriti (black and white)
José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (5 1/4" x 6 1/2" on 13" x 9 1/2" sheet), 2002


Product Status: 
Temporarily out of stock
José Francisco Borges

Woodcut print on paper
(6 x 3 3/4), 2005, 2010


Product Status: 
Temporarily out of stock

Walking Words

Walking Words
By Eduardo Galeano, with woodcuts by José Francisco Borges.
W.W. Norton & Co, New York, London, 1993.  Paperback.  328 pages.
Note:  Copies were apparently returned copies and are slightly shop-worn.

Artists Included: 
Product Status: 
Temporarily out of stock
"Stories on a String" - Folheto chapbooks from Brazil

"Stories on a String" - Folheto chapbooks from North-East Brazil.
Assorted hand-printed pamphlets from Pernambuco and Ceara, by Jose Borges, Abraao Batista and others.  Written in (Portuguese) verse, printed in small presses with hand-printed woodcut cover art.  Generally 12 pages long, 6 1/2" x 4 1/2" in size. 

$14 for 3

Product Status: 
Temporarily out of stock
Quinteto de Anjos
SKU: JFB-205

José Francisco Borges (Bezerros, Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (11 1/2" x 19" image on 19" x 26" sheet), 2014


Product Status: 
A Mulher Misteriosa (The Mysterious Woman)

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print (color) on paper (19 1/2" x 12" image on 236" x 19" sheet), 2004, 2014.
Colors and exact design may vary.
From a private collection.  Framed.


Product Status: 
O Frevo
SKU: JFB-215b

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (20 1/2" x 14 1/2" image on 26" x 19" sheet),  2007.  
From a private collection.  Framed (some scratches on existing frame).

Frevo is a dance and musical style originating from Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil, traditionally associated with Brazilian Carnival.


Product Status: 
Two Pineapples
SKU: JFB-219c

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print (color) on paper (17 3/4" x 13 3/4" image on 26" x 19" sheet),  2002.
From a private collection.  Framed.


Product Status: 
O Sonho do Medroso (The Dream of Medroso)
SKU: JFB-222c

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print (color) on paper (16 1/4" x 21 1/2" image on 19" x 26" sheet),  2002.
From a private collection.  Framed.


Product Status: 
O Poeta No Morro (The Poet on the Hill)
SKU: JFB-224b

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (19 1/2" x 12 1/4" image on 26" x 19" sheet),  2005.
From a private collection.  Framed (some scratches on existing frame).


Product Status: 
O Discurso da Onca (The Jaguar's Speech)
SKU: JFB-218c

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print (color) on paper (20 3/4" x 13 1/2" image on 26" x 19" sheet),  2002.  
From a private collection.  Framed.


Product Status: 
A Missa do Vaqueiro (The Cowboy Mass)
SKU: JFB-220c

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print (color) on paper (21" x 14 1/2" image on 26" x 19" sheet),  2002.
From a private collection.  Framed.


Product Status: 
Os Jogadores de Baralho (The Card Players)
SKU: JB-223c

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print (color) on paper (14 1/2" x 20 3/4" image on 19" x 26" sheet),  2005.  
From a private collection.  Framed (some chipping on frame).


Product Status: 
Os Tiradores de Mel (The Honey Collectors)
SKU: JFB-214c

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print (color) on paper (13 3/4" x 22" image on 19" x 26" sheet),  2014.
From a private collection.  Framed (some scratches on existing frame).


Product Status: 
Futebol dos Bichos (Football of the Animals)
SKU: JFB-221c

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print (color) on paper (14 3/4" x 21" image on 19" x 26" sheet),  2002.
From a private collection.  Framed.


Product Status: 
O Dragao Eo Macaco - vintage woodcut print
SKU: JFB-212

José Francisco Borges (Bezerros, Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (11" x 19" image on 19" x 26" sheet), 1994


Product Status: 
O Dragao (The Dragon)
SKU: JFB-87b

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (20 1/4 x 11 1/4 image on 26" x 19" sheet), 2005.
 From a private collection.  Framed.


Product Status: 
José Francisco Borges
SKU: JFB-140

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (20 x 13 3/4), 2003


Product Status: 
José Francisco Borges

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (19 1/4 x 12 1/2 on 26" x 19" sheet), 2007, 2009, 2013, 2017
Colors and exact details may vary.


Product Status: 
O Presepio - José Francisco Borges
SKU: JFB-194

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print (color) on paper (20 1/2 x 13), 2006, 2021.
Note:  Exact details and colors may vary.


Product Status: 
José Francisco Borges - O Casamento do Diabo
SKU: JFB-63c

(The Devil's Wedding)
José Francisco Borges (Brazil), 2009, 2011
Woodcut print on paper (11 1/2" x 19" image on 19" x 26" sheet)
Colors may vary


Product Status: 
José Francisco Borges - Iemanja
SKU: JFB-110c

José Francisco Borges (Brazil), 2006, 2013, 2017.
Woodcut print on paper (11" x 19 1/2" image on 19" x 26" sheet).
Colors and exact design will vary.  More recent versions do not include the black border at top and sides.


Product Status: 
José Francisco Borges

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (11 1/2 x 20), 2004, 2005, 2013.

Exact details and colors may vary.


Product Status: 
A Revoada
SKU: JFB-60c

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print (color) on paper (19 1/2" x 11 1/2" image on 26" x 19" sheet), 2004


Product Status: 
José Francisco Borges

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (17 1/2" x 11 1/2" image on 26" x 19" sheet), 2009, 2017.


Product Status: 
O Resador de Dentes (color)
SKU: JFB-13c

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (11 1/2" x 19 1/2" image on 19" x 26" sheet), 1991


Product Status: 
A Mulher que Botou O Diabo Na Garrafa (The Woman who Put the Devil in a Bottle) - Color
SKU: JFB-16c

(The Woman who Put the Devil in a Bottle)
José Francisco Borges (Bezerros, Brazil),
Woodcut print (color) on paper (19 1/2" x 11 1/2" image on 26" x 19" sheet), 2008, 2009, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2017
Colors and exact design will vary.


Product Status: 
Bichos Fantasmas
SKU: JFB-191

José Francisco Borges (Brazil), 1996
Woodcut print on paper (19 1/2" x 11 1/4" image on 26" x 19" sheet)


Product Status: 
O Morro dos Milagres
SKU: JFB-139c

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (21" x 14 1/2" image on 26" x 19" sheet) 2006, 2013, 2017
Colors and exact design will vary.


Product Status: 
A Briga dos Dragoes
SKU: JFB-195

José Francisco Borges (Bezerros, Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (14" x 20 1/4" image on 19" x 26" sheet), 2020


Product Status: 
A Psicanalista (color)

Woodcut print (color) on paper (13" x 19 1/2" image on 19" x 26" sheet), 1999, 2000, 2002, 2013, 2017, 2020.
Colors and exact design may vary


Product Status: 
Sertão em Noite de Lua (Sertão in the Moonlight)(2017)
SKU: JFB-198

Woodcut print (color) on paper (21 1/4" x 13" image on 26" x 19" sheet),  2017.
Note:  Exact details and colors may vary.


Product Status: 
Engenho Puxado A Escravos (Sugar Mill Powered by Slaves)
SKU: JFB-213

José Francisco Borges (Bezerros, Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (13 1/2" x 20" image on 19" x 26" sheet), 2005


Product Status: 
José Francisco Borges
SKU: JFB-153

José Francisco Borges (Brazil), 1997
Woodcut print on paper (19 x 10 1/2)


Product Status: 
José Francisco Borges
SKU: JFB-138

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (19 1/2 x 11 1/4), 2007


Product Status: 
José Francisco Borges
SKU: JFB-156

José Francisco Borges (Brazil), 2005
Woodcut print on paper (19 3/4 x 12)


Product Status: 
José Francisco Borges
SKU: JFB-157

José Francisco Borges (Brazil), 2003
Woodcut print on paper (20" x 12" image on 26" x 19" sheet)


Product Status: 
Santo Antonio Casamenteiro
SKU: JFB-207

José Francisco Borges (Bezerros, Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (20" x 11 1/4" image on 26" x 19" sheet), 2004, 2006


Product Status: 
José Francisco Borges

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (21 x 15), 1992


Product Status: 
José Francisco Borges
SKU: JFB-184

José Francisco Borges (Brazil), 2007
Woodcut print on paper (19 3/4 x 11)


Product Status: 
SKU: JFB-210

José Francisco Borges (Bezerros, Brazil), 2004
Woodcut print on paper (15" x 21 1/2" image on 26" x 19" sheet)


Product Status: 
Rainha do Cabare
SKU: JFB-190

José Francisco Borges (Brazil), 2009
Woodcut print on paper (20 1/2" x 12" image on 26" x 19" sheet)


Product Status: 
José Francisco Borges
SKU: JFB-189

José Francisco Borges (Brazil), 2007
Woodcut print on paper (16 3/8 x 10 1/2)


Product Status: 
José Francisco Borges
SKU: JFB-77c

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (18 1/2" x 10" on 26" x 19" sheet), 2004, 2005, 2017
Colors and detail may vary.  Also available in black and white version.


Product Status: 
Sao Francisco (black and white)
SKU: JFB-55b

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print (color) on paper (19 1/2" x 12" image on 26" x 19" sheet), 2004



Product Status: 
José Francisco Borges - Maracatu do Nordeste

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (19 1/4" x 12" image on 26" x 19" sheet), 1996


Product Status: 
Forro da Meia Noite
SKU: JFB-225c

José Francisco Borges (Bezerros, Pernambuco, Brazil), 2017
Woodcut print on paper (19 3/4" x 11 1/2" image on 19" x 26" sheet)
Colors may vary


Product Status: 
Feira de Caruaru

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (19 1/4 x 12), 1996, 1997, 2004, 2008


Product Status: 
O Crime Ecologico (Ecological Crime)
SKU: JFB-223

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (18 1/2" x 10" on 26" x 19" sheet), 2004


Product Status: 
José Francisco Borges
SKU: JFB-132-C

José Francisco Borges (Brazil), 2003, 2009
Woodcut print on paper (20 1/2 x 14)
Colors and details may vary

Price on Request

Product Status: 
Asa Branca
SKU: JFB-200

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (13 3/4" x 10" image on 19" x 13" sheet), 2021.
Note:  Exact details and colors may vary.


Product Status: 
SKU: JFB-199

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (14" x 10" image on 19" x 13" sheet), 2021.
Note:  Exact details and colors may vary.


Product Status: 
A Mulher eo Diabo

José Francisco Borges (Brazil), 2003
Woodcut print on paper (10" x 8")


Product Status: 

A Arte de J. Borges do Cordel a Xilografia/ The Art of J. Borges from Cordel to Woodcuts

José Octavio Penteado, Tania Mills, Pieter Tjabbes
Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, Brasilia, 2004
104 pages
Text in Portuguese and English, extensive illustrations


Artists Included: 
Product Status: 
$60 (paperback)
SKU: JFB-229

Woodcut print on paper (image size 7 5/8" x 7 1/4" on 13" x 9 1/2" sheet), 2017.
Exact design and colors may vary.


Product Status: 
Tamarindo (2006)

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (7 3/4" x 7"  on 11 1/2" x 10" sheet), 2004, 2006, 2009, 2011.
Exact colors and design may vary


Product Status: 
Acai (2009)
SKU: JFB-197

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (image size 7" x 6 1/2" on 11 1/2" x 11" sheet), 2009, 2011, 2014, 2020.
Exact design and colors may vary.


Product Status: 
Coco  - José Francisco Borges

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (7 1/2" x 7 1/2"  on 11 1/2" x 10" sheet), 2007, 2009, 2011, 2017, 2020.
Exact design and colors will vary.


Product Status: 
Sapoti - José Francisco Borges

Woodcut print on paper (7 1/4' x 5 1/2'  on 11 1/2" x 10" sheet), 2005, 2006, 2009, 2014, 2017, 2021.
Exact design and colors will vary.


Product Status: 
Caju - José Francisco Borges
SKU: JFB-142

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (7 1/2" x 7 1/4" on 11 1/2" x 9 1/2" sheet), 2007, 2009, 2017, 2020.
Exact design and colors will vary.


Product Status: 
Jaca - Unsigned
SKU: JFB-90a

José Francisco Borges (Brazil), - unsigned.
Woodcut print on paper (7 1/2 x 7 1/2), c.2008


Product Status: 
Melao - José Francisco Borges

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (7 1/2" x 7 1/2" on 11" x 11" sheet), 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2017, 2020.
Exact design and colors will vary.



Product Status: 
Goiaba  - José Francisco Borges

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (7 1/2 x 7), 2004, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2017, 2021.
Design and colors may vary.


Product Status: 
Banana - José Francisco Borges

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (7 1/2" x 7 1/2"  on 11 1/2" x 10" sheet), 2003, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014, 2017, 2021.
Exact colors may vary.


Product Status: 
Laranja - José Francisco Borges

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (7 1/2" x 7" on 11" x 10 1/2"), 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2017, 2021
Design and colors may vary.


Product Status: 
José Francisco Borges - Abacaxi

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (7 1/2" x 7" on 11" x 11" sheet), 2006, 2009, 2011, 2017.
Exact design may vary and colors may vary from yellow to orange.


Product Status: 
José Francisco Borges

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (8" x 7" on 11 1/2" x 10" sheet), 2008, 2009, 2011


Product Status: 
José Francisco Borges

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (7 1/2" x 7 1/2" on 11 1/2" x 10" sheet), 2004, 2007, 2009, 2017.
Exact design and colors will vary.


Product Status: 
José Francisco Borges - Morango (2017)

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (7 1/2" x 7" image on 13" x 9 1/2" sheet), 2002, 2004, 2009, 2011, 2017, 2020.
Exact colors and design may vary.


Product Status: 
José Francisco Borges

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (6" x 6"  on 11 1/2" x 10" sheet), 2004


Product Status: 
José Francisco Borges
SKU: JFB-109

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on kraft paper (8 3/4" x 6"  on 11 1/2" x 10" sheet), 2006


Product Status: 
José Francisco Borges
SKU: JFB-123

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (8 1/4" x 5"  on 11 1/2" x 10" sheet), 2004


Product Status: 
José Francisco Borges
SKU: JFB-108

José Francisco Borges (Brazil)
Woodcut print on paper (7 1/4" x 4 1/4"  on 11 1/2" x 10" sheet), 2006


Product Status: 
José Francisco Borges
SKU: JFB-149

José Francisco Borges (Brazil)
Woodcut print on paper (7 1/4" x 4 3/4"  on 11 1/2" x 10" sheet), 2007


Product Status: 
José Francisco Borges
SKU: JFB-125

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (3 3/4" x 6 1/2"  on 11 1/2" x 10" sheet), 2004


Product Status: 
José Francisco Borges
SKU: JFB-120

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (5 x 9 1/2), 2006  
Color combinations will vary.


Product Status: 
José Francisco Borges
SKU: JFB-46b

Woodcut print on paper
(7" x 6 1/2"  on 11 1/2" x 10" sheet), 2004


Product Status: 
Black Dog
SKU: JFB-178

Woodcut print on paper (5 1/4" x 7 3/4"  on 9 1/2" x 13" sheet), 2011


Product Status: 
José Francisco Borges
SKU: JFB-172

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (7 1/8" x 4 3/8"  on 11 1/2" x 10" sheet), 2009


Product Status: 
José Francisco Borges
SKU: JFB-126

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (8 1/4" x 6"  on 11 1/2" x 10" sheet), 2006


Product Status: 
Os Anjos
SKU: JFB-102

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (9 1/2" x 6"  on 11 1/2" x 10" sheet), 2006


Product Status: 
José Francisco Borges

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (6" x 7 1/2"  on 11 1/2" x 10" sheet), 1992


Product Status: 
SKU: JFB-176

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (6 1/4 x 6), Sheet size 13 x 9 1/2, 2004


Product Status: 
José Francisco Borges
SKU: JFB-146

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (5" x 7 1/4" on 11 1/2" x 10" sheet), 2004


Product Status: 
 Yemanja (#1) (b&w)
SKU: JFB-36b

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (5 3/4" x 8 3/4" on 9 1/2" x 13" sheet),2004, 2005, 2006, 2011


Product Status: 
Flying Angel
SKU: JFB-107c

Flying Angel 
José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on hand-made paper (5" x 7 1/4"  on 11 1/2" x 10" sheet), 2004, 2009


Product Status: 
José Francisco Borges

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (5 1/2" x 8"  on 11 1/2" x 10" sheet), 2003, 2005



Product Status: 
José Francisco Borges

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (6 x 8 1/2), 2005



Product Status: 
José Francisco Borges
SKU: JFB-103

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (8 1/4" x 3 3/4" on 11 1/2" x 10" sheet), 2006


Product Status: 
José Francisco Borges

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (5 3/4" x 8" on 11 1/2" x 10" sheet), 2004


Product Status: 
Sao Cosme e Damiao
SKU: JFB-202c

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (8" x 5 1/2" on 12" x 10" sheet), 2005


Product Status: 
José Francisco Borges

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (7 1/2" x 6"  on 11 1/2" x 10" sheet), 1992


Product Status: 
José Francisco Borges

José Francisco Borges (Brazil),
Woodcut print on paper (5 1/2 x 5 1/2), 1991


Product Status: 
Bird (#1)
SKU: JFB-234

Woodcut print on paper (image size 6 3/4" x 4 1/8" on 9 1/2 x 6 1/2" sheet), 2012.
Exact design may vary.


Product Status: 
Hen (Bird #3)
SKU: JFB-236

Woodcut print on paper (image size 4 1/2" x 3 3/4" on 9 1/2 x 6 1/2" sheet), 2012.
Exact design may vary.


Product Status: 
SKU: JFB-243

Woodcut print on paper (image size 4 3/4" x 4 5/8" on 9 1/2 x 6 1/2" sheet), 2012.
Exact design may vary.


Product Status: 