I will be away from the gallery between August 26th and September 4th, and so will not be shipping or open for visitors at the gallery. The Indigo Arts website will be active as always. I will respond to emails as soon as possible. I will be able to ship orders after September 4th, 2024.
Happy Labor Day!

With the high cost of shipping many of our customers choose to ship by USPS. For small and light shipments this is usually less expensive, but please be aware that their estimates are often wrong and only include insurance up to $100 for its domestic shipments. If you ask for full insurance we will recalculate the shipping cost and send you an invoice for any difference in cost.

Nicolas de Jesus

About the Artist

Nicolás de Jesús (b. 1960)
Nicolás de Jesús was born and raised in a small Nahua village in central Guerrero named Ameyaltepec. At a young age he learned how to paint on amate bark paper from his father Pablo de Jesús—one of the first artisans in all of Mexico (he started in 1962) to produce the type of work that is now mass-produced and sold at tourist destinations. By the time the well respected art activist Felipe Ehrenberg started to teach Nicolás etching and other printing techniques, the young artist had already adopted the traditional amate composition with many whimsical and detailed characters and a great empty space atop the page to suggest a great   distance. The reoccurring theme in Amayaltepec amates is everyday village life—it’s celebrations and beliefs. After moving to Chicago in the 1980’s, de Jesús additionally started to depict urban life in U.S. barrios in the same manner.
(Bio courtesy of website of Frontera Grill - Chicago)

Nicolas de Jesus (bio provided by artist)

Born on December 6, 1960 in the  Nahua region of Guerrero, México, Nicolás developed his art through his parents and his community of Ameyaltepec. There painting on bark paper is the preferred medium of expression of local traditions. His work reflects the spectrum of his experiences from his origins in a traditional Mexican Village to the complex problems of Mexican immigrants in the United States and his concern for preserving his cultural identity.

Organización del Encuentro Internacional De Gráfica en Acapulco, Gro. Centro Cultural Calpulli Mogote. Contando con la visita de la Artista Beverly Keys de Oak Park, Ill.

Realización de Murales en la Región de Ayutla, Gro. Relacionados con el asesinato por parte del Estado de los líderes Indígenas Raúl Lucas Lucía y Manuel Ponce Rosas

Mural “Alto a la Violación” en Acapulco, Gro.

Realización de los Murales relacionados a la persecución a los Ecologistas y por los Presos Políticos de Atenco, además del Mural “Por la Liberación de los 5 Indígenas Presos en Ayutla” ( Que actualmente solo queda uno preso)

Realización de la serie “Gráfica Por la Protesta Social”

Realización del Mural (De La Tierra Somos) Chilpancingo, Gro.

Realización del Mural “Por La Libre Expresión De La Conciencia” Esc. Normal Rural (Raúl Isidro Burgos) Ayotzinapa, Gro. Esc. Donde estudió el Guerrillero Lucio Cabañas

Exposición “Diálogo de la Gráfica Internacional” (Ark Gallery) Yakarta, Indonesia.

Presentación de video y plática sobre violación de Derechos Humanos en Guerrero. Instituto Tecnológico de Bandung, Indonesia. 

Mural “Encuentro Cultural” Realizado con estudiantes del Instituto de Arte de Bandung, Indonesia.

Realización de la serie “Gráfica sobre Indonesia” En Chicago Ill.

Realización del mural “Conciencia e Identidad” En la preparatoria #4 de la UAG en Taxco, Gro.

Participación en el Festival “Divergente” realizando talleres de grabado a niños de escuelas de Taxco, Gro.

Encuentro Internacional de Gráfica en Ameyaltepec, Gro. Contando con la visita de los maestros, John y Elsa Weber de la Universidad de Elmhurst, Ill.

Realización de murales en la Comunidad de “El Charco” en conmemoración del Décimo Aniversario de la Masacre perpetrada por el ejército en dicha Comunidad Indígena en Guerrero.

Exposición, taller y realización de mural en el Aniversario del Centro de Derechos Humanos de la Montaña “Tlachinollan” en Tlapa, Gro.

Exposición y curso de grabado en la Universidad de Seguin, Texas.

Participación en V Encuentro Cultural Guerrense en Chicago, Ill.

Realización y Presentación del Portafolio (Oleoductos y Fronteras) Centro Cultural Calpulli Mogote en Acapulco, Gro. Y en la Biblioteca Pública en Oak Park, Ill.

Exposición “Día de Muertos” en el Museo Nacional De Arte Mexicano, Chicago, Ill.

Exposición en el Consulado Mexicano en Montreal, CA.

Exposición “Raíces en la Memoria” Indian Artists, Chicago Ill.

Exposición del portafolio “Bestiarios y Nahuales I & II” International print portfolios with artists from Spain, France, Canada, USA & Mexico, Casa Michoacán, Chicago Ill.

Exhibición “Nicolas De Jesus” (Recent Works) Expression Graphics, Oak Park, Ill. 

Mural “Tlalchinahui” (Madre Tierra Luminosa de Conciencia) Acapulco, Gro.

Murales en las Comunidades de la zona de conflicto por la presa (La Parota) en Amatillo, Agua Caliente y en la Comunidad de Salsipuedes.

Realización y exhibición del portafolio “Chicalaveras” Museo Nacional De Las Bellas Artes Mexicanas en Chicago, Ill. Y en el Museo Virreinal en Taxco, Gro.

Exposición “Día De Muertos” en el Museo Nacional de Las Bellas Artes Mexicanas, Chicago, Ill.

Participación en el IV Encuentro Cultural Guerrense, Chicago, Ill.

 “MIGRACION “ Museo de Culturas Populares, México City 

“TODOS SOMOS MIGRANTES “ Museo de la Ciudad “ México City

“IMÁGENES E IDENTIDADES AMERINDIAS. Ex convento de Sto. Domingo, San Cristobal de Lãs Casas, Chiapas, México.

“LA OTRA CAMPAÑA” Art Exhibit, in support of the Zapatista Movement, Galería Arantza, Chilpancingo, Gro., México.

“LE JOUR DES MORTS AU MEXIQUE” Association Pour L´estampe L´art populaire, París.

“SEDUCCION AL NORTE” Instituto Méxicano de Cultura y Educación, during lV Encuentro Cultural Guerrerense, Chicago, IL.

 “ LA PAROTA - UNA LUCHA POR LA MADRE TIERRA “ Helping the Native people’s struggle against a hydro project.

“LE JOUR DES MORTS AU MEXIQUE“ Association Pour L´estampe et L´art Populaire, París.

“CIELO ROJO“ Against the repression to the social movement in México. 2do Encuentro Cultural Guerrerense, Chicago, IL.


São Paulo, Brasil.

“ LE JOUR DES MORTS AU MEXIQUE “ Et Lê Studio L ´Ermitage, París.

“ DIA DE LOS MUERTOS “ El Centro De La Raza, Seattle, Washington.

“ THE ART OF NICOLAS DE JESUS “ La Llorona Gallery, Chicago, Ill.

“ DAY OF THE DEAD” Simoultaneous art exhibit in three different places, CHICAGO, PARIS, MEXICO.

 “ LE JOUR DES MORTS AU MEXIQUE “ association Pour L´estampe el L´art Populaire, Paris.

“ INDIENS “ ( Chiapas, México, California ) Parc La Villette París.

2001.-“ MARCHA DEL COLOR DE LA TIERRA “ Painting murals around the Guerrero State when the Indian Zapatistas came to the capital of México.

2000.- NICOLAS DE JESUS - ART EXHIBIT. Museo de Allende, San Miguel de Allende, Gto. México.

1999.- “ TIERRA DE RAICES “ Museo Histórico Naval, Acapulco, Gro, México

1998.- “ LIBERTAD DE LA CONCIENCIA ” Organized by the congreso of Guerrero State, Chilpancingo Gro. México.

1997.- “ ARTE INDIGENA “ Museo Regional, Chilpancingo Gro, México.

1995.- “ DIA DE LOS MUERTOS “ Jardín Borda, Cuernavaca Mor. México.

1994.- “ NICOLAS DE JESUS “ Art Exhibit, Galería Vallarta, Pto. Vallarta, Jal.

“ HUMAN RIGHTS “ Art Exhibit, Chicago University.

“ CULTURAL EXCHANGE “ between artists from Chicago, Austin and Los Angeles, organized for the University of Texas at Austin, Selph Help Graphics ( Los Angeles ) ; and the Mexican Fine Arts Center Museum, Chicago

1993.- “ 12 PARALLEL LIVES” Graphic Art inspired by the testimonies of experiences of torture in Guatemala, Taller Mexicano de Grabado. Chicago, Ill.

1993-1995 “ ART OF THE OTHER MEXICO “ Traveling exhibit in the U.S. and México organized by the Mexican Fine Arts Center Museum, Chicago Ill.

Museo de Arte Moderno, México D.F. November to January 1993.

*Museo Regional de Oaxaca. Oaxaca, México. February to march 1994.

Centro Cultural Tijuana, Tijuana, B. C. N. México, May to july 1994

Palm Springs Desert Museum, Palm Spring California, September to november

Museo Del Barrio, New York City, June 15 to march 5 1995.

*Center For The Artes, San Francisco, California. March 31 to May 28, 1995

1992-1993.- “ GRABADO MEXICANO EN CHICAGO” Traveling exhibit throughout México, organized by the Instituto Méxicano de Bellas Artes.

1992.- “ DAY OF THE DEAD EXHIBITION “ University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI.

“HISPANIC FESTIVAL “ Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago, ILL.

Awared, First place in juried exhibit.

“ MIS RAICES “ Scott Foresman Publishing Company, Glenview, Ill.

“ NICOLAS DE JESUS A NAHUA ARTIST IN CHICAGO” Solo Exhibit, Méxican Fine Arts Center Museum, Chicago Ill.

“ INDIAN ART FROM GUERRERO “ Midtown Plaza, Rochester, New York.

1992.- “CALAVERA PRINTS “ Demonstration of printmaking in association with Day of the Dead Exhibit, Mexican Fine Arts Center Museum, Chicago,Ill.

Teacher of Printmaking workshop, Taller Mexicano de Grabado,Chicago, IL

 “HIDDEN MEXICO“ Film produced by Channel 11, and illustrations for a book with the same title.

1991.- Art Exhibit, Tres Américas Bookstore, Chicago, Ill.

Solo Exhibit.- Guild Books, Chicago Ill.

Art Exhibit.- Expression Graphics, Artworks, Oak Park Ill.

“ORGULLO HISPANO” South Shore Cultural Center, Chicago.

“MIHKATONAHLI “ Presentation of a Day Of The Dead Portfolio prints at Rudy Lozano Library. Chicago Ill.

“Juried Art Show “, Norris Gallery. St. Charles Ill.

“LATIN FESTIVAL EXHIBIT “ Truman College, Chicago Ill.

“HISPANIC FESTIVAL” Museum of science and Industry, Chicago Ill. Awared Third Prize in juried Art Show.

“DAY OF THE DEAD EXHIBIT “ Near Nothwest Art Council Gallery, Chicago, Ill.

“DAY OF THE DEAD EXHIBIT “ Carleton College, Northfield, MN.

1990.-“ HYDE PARK ART FAIR “ Chicago, Ill.

“THE CHICAGO SHOW “ Juried Exhibition, Chicago Cultural Center, Chicago, Ill.

“ORGULLO HISPANO “ South Shore Cultural Center, Chicago Ill.

“DAY OF THE DEAD EXHIBIT “ Mexican Fine Arts Center Museum, Chicago, Ill.


“ART EXHIBIT “ Expressions Graphics, Oak Park, Ill.

“ NACIMIENTO DE LA PAZ “ Mural painted with the children of the Whittier School, exhibited in the Tenth Annual Ethnic Festival, Oak Park, Ill.

1989.- “ DAY OF THE DEAD EXHIBIT “ In dedication to Emiliano Zapata. Rudy Lozano Library, Chicago Ill.

“ DAY OF THE DEAD EXHIBIT “ Mexican Fine Arts Center Museum, Chicago, Ill.

“ DAY OF THE DEAD EXHIBIT “ Mexican Museum, San Francisco California.

1988.- ART EXHIBIT, Galería Garpler, Cuernavaca Mor. México.

“ ART EXHIBIT “ Galería Olas Altas, Puerto Vallarta Jal. México.

1987 -1988 “ PLASTICA MORELENSE” Centro de Arte Jardín Borda Cuernavaca, Mor

“ UN PINTOR NAHUA EN SAN JUAN CHAMULA “ Café, La Galería, San Cristóbal de Las Casas Chiapas.

“ MOVIMIENTO UN MILLON DE MINUTOS PARA LA PAZ “ Casa de La Cultura, León, Gto. México. Sponsored by Organization of the United Nations

1986.-“ ART EXHIBIT “ Alianza Francesa de Polanco, México, D.F.

1983.- “ TESTIMONIOS “ Ilustrations for book ( Una solución para el Alcoholismo ) Editorial Concepto.



Nuestro Techo
SKU: NDJ-2401

Color etching on handmade amate bark paper
(19” x 9.5” on 25” x 15.25” sheet), #P/A, c.2000
Provenance: from a private collection.


SKU: NDJ-2406

Color etching on handmade amate bark paper
(9.25” x 12.5” on 15” x 18.25” sheet), #P/A, c.2000
Provenance: from a private collection.


NIKAN TOCHAN (Están en Casa)
SKU: NDJ-2404

Color etching on handmade amate bark paper
(4.625” x 19” on 10.25” x 24.75” sheet), #40/250, c.2000
Provenance: from a private collection.


Nuestro Trabajo
SKU: NDJ-2402

Color etching on handmade amate bark paper
(19” x 4.625” on 24.5” x 10.25” sheet), #P/A, c.2000
Provenance: from a private collection.


IWILL (Fiesta)
SKU: NDJ-2403

Color etching on handmade amate bark paper
(19” x 4.625” on 24.5” x 10.25” sheet), #P/A, c.2000
Provenance: from a private collection.


La Comida
SKU: NDJ-2407

Color etching on handmade amate bark paper
(9.25” x 12.5” on 15” x 18.25” sheet), #14/75, II Ed., 1990
Provenance: from a private collection.


El Pan
SKU: NDJ-2408

Color etching on handmade amate bark paper
(9.25” x 12.5” on 15” x 18.25” sheet), #26/75, II Ed., 1990
Provenance: from a private collection.


La Esperanza
SKU: NDJ-2405

Color etching on handmade amate bark paper
(9.5” x 7.75” on 15” x 12.25” sheet), #P/A, c.2000
Provenance: from a private collection.


SKU: NDJ-2410

Color etching on handmade amate bark paper
(6” x 3.625” plate size on 11” x 8” sheet), #P/A, c.2000
Provenance: from a private collection.


SKU: NDJ-2409

Color etching on handmade amate bark paper
(6” x 3.625” plate size on 11” x 8” sheet), #P/A, c.2000
Provenance: from a private collection.


SKU: NDJ-2411

Color etching on handmade amate bark paper
(6” x 3.625” plate size on 11” x 8” sheet), #P/A, c.2000
Provenance: from a private collection.


SKU: NDJ-2412

Color etching on handmade amate bark paper
(6” x 3.625” plate size on 11” x 8” sheet), #XXI/CXXV, c.2000
Provenance: from a private collection.


SKU: NDJ-2413

Color etching on handmade amate bark paper
(6” x 3.625” plate size on 11” x 8” sheet), #P/A, c.2000
Provenance: from a private collection.


Nicolas de Jesus - Migracion
SKU: NDJ-1007

Color etching on handmade amate bark paper
(19" x 9 1/2" plate size on 25 1/4" x 15 1/2" sheet), #29/150, 1990.


Product Status: 
Nicolas de Jesus
SKU: NDJ-1008

Color etching on handmade amate bark paper
(10 3/4" x 6 3/4" plate size on 25 1/4" x 15 1/2" sheet), #83/150, n.d.


Product Status: 
Apanowan (Cruzando el Rio)
SKU: NJD-2005

Etching on handmade amate bark paper
(4 5/8” x 19” plate size on 10 1/2” x 24 5/8” sheet), #39/250, c.2009.


Product Status: 
Nicolas de Jesus - El Intruso
SKU: NDJ-1002

Color etching on handmade amate bark paper
(9 1/2" x 12 1/2" plate size on 13 1/2" x 16 1/2" sheet), #3/150, 2008


Product Status: 
Nicolas de Jesus - Represion
SKU: NDJ-1001

Color etching on handmade amate bark paper
(10 3/4" x 6 3/4" plate size on 15 1/2" x 12 1/4" sheet), #66/75, 2007


Product Status: 
El Angelito
SKU: NJD-2002

Color etching on handmade amate bark paper
(6" x 3 5/8" plate size on 10" x 7 1/2" sheet), #34/75, c.2009


Product Status: 
Nido de Amor (Love Nest)
SKU: NDJ-1501

Color etching on handmade amate bark paper
(5 1/8" x 3 1/8" plate size on 10" x 7 1/2" sheet), #6/250, c.2009


Product Status: 
SKU: NDJ-2001

Color etching on handmade amate bark paper
(6" x 3 5/8" plate size on 10" x 7 1/2" sheet), #64/75, c.2009


Product Status: 
SKU: NJD-2004

Color etching on handmade amate bark paper
(6" x 3 5/8" plate size on 10 1/2" x 7 3/4" sheet), #P/A, c.2009


Product Status: 
SKU: NJD-2003

Color etching on handmade amate bark paper
(3 5/8" x 6" plate size on 8 1/4" x 10 1/4" sheet), #72/500, c.2009


Product Status: 
Pecadillo Americano
SKU: NDJ-1502

Color etching on handmade amate bark paper
(5 1/8" x 3 1/8" plate size on 11 1/2" x 7 1/2" sheet), #13/250, 2008


Product Status: 
Nicolas de Jesus - Borrachos de Amor
SKU: NDJ-1003

Color etching on handmade amate bark paper
(5 1/8" x 3 1/8" plate size on 10 3/4" x 7 3/4" sheet), #17/250, 2009


Product Status: 
Nicolas de Jesus
SKU: NDJ-1004

Nicolas de Jesus (Ameyaltepec, Guerrero, Mexico),
Color etching on handmade amate bark paper
(5 3/4" x 3 3/4" plate size on 11 1/2" x 7 7/8" sheet), #19/250, 2009


Product Status: 
Nicolas de Jesus - Wall Street
SKU: NDJ-1005

Color etching on handmade amate bark paper
(5 1/8" x 3 1/8" plate size on 11" x 7 1/2" sheet), #18/250, 2009


Product Status: 
Nicolas de Jesus - Examen Prostatico
SKU: NDJ-1006

Color etching on handmade amate bark paper
(5 1/8" x 3 1/8" plate size on 11" x 7 1/2" sheet), #18/250, 2009


Product Status: 
Nicolas de Jesus
SKU: NDJ-1009

Nicolas de Jesus (Ameyaltepec, Guerrero, Mexico),
Color etching on handmade amate bark paper
(5 1/8" x 3 1/8" plate size on 11" x 7 1/2" sheet), #17/250, 2009


Product Status: 