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Judy Hoffman - Art Creation Foundation for Children

Judy Hoffman founded the non-profit Art Creation Foundation for Children in Jacmel, Haiti in 1999.  This year Judy has offered a collection of fine Haitian drapo (Vodou flags) and paintings for sale.  A portion of the proceeds will be donated for the benefit of this inspiring foundation, which states its mission as  "EMPOWERING STUDENTS TO CHANGE THEIR WORLD THROUGH ART".  I had the privilege of visiting the kids of the ACFFC at their converted house in Jacmel in 2009 - just two months before the 2010 earthquake which destroyed much of Jacmel.  Fortunately the ACFFC house, and the children and staff in it survived, and the ACFFC has played an important part in the reconstruction of Jacmel.

Works in Collection

Ville Imaginaire
SKU: PDU-2302

Préfète Duffaut (1923 - 2012, Jacmel, Haiti)
Acrylic on canvas (12" x 16"), 2003.   Framed.  Purchased in Port-au-Prince by previous owner.
This painting is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.


M. La Sirene - Vodou Flag
SKU: RA-1602

Roudy Azor (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Beads and sequins on fabric (42" x 24 1/2"),
c. 2010
The flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant, Simeon and others.
This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.


Product Status: 
Jacmel Coastal Landscape
SKU: PDU-2301

Préfète Duffaut (1923 - 2012, Jacmel, Haiti)
Acrylic on canvas (12" x 16"), 2008.   Framed.  Purchased in Port-au-Prince by previous owner.
This painting is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.


Maitresse et Maitre Grand Bois - Vodou Flag
SKU: LM-1601

Lamarre (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (32" x 30"), c.2010
This flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant, Simeon and others.
This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.


Product Status: 
Erzulie Dantor Vodou Flag
SKU: FTS-1601

Nadine Fortilus (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (36" x 36"),
This flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant and Simeon.

This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.


Product Status: 
Dambalah Wouedo - Vodou Flag
SKU: YT-2304

"Dambalah Wouedo" - Vodou Flag
Sequins and beads on fabric
(41" x 34"), 1999
This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.


Baron La Croix - Vodou Flag
SKU: GV-2301

Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
Sequins and beads on fabric.
(39.5” x 34”), c.2005.
Ex. collection of Judy Hoffman.


Dambala - Vodou flag
SKU: LFL-2302

Fils Lafleur (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Beads on fabric (36.75” x 30”)
This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.


Agaou - Vodou flag
SKU: SJS-2301

Sequins and beads on fabric
(30" x 30 1/4"), c. 1995.
This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.


Saint Ulrique/Agoue - Vodou Flag
SKU: ELL-2301

This flag is not signed but  was bought from him in the late 1990s, and is definitely in his style..  
Sequins and beads on fabric
(34.75” x 31.25”) c.1995.

Ex. Collection of Judy Hoffman


Ogou Badagri - Vodou Flag
SKU: JBJJ-1502

Jean-Baptiste Jean Joseph (Croix des Bouquets, Haiti)
Beads on velvet fabric
(29" x 23"),
This flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant and Simeon.
This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.


Diable Tibokaw Vodou Flag
SKU: YT-1601

Sequins and beads on fabric (40" x 33"), 2008
This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.


Kouzen Zaka - Vodou Flag
SKU: YT-1605

Sequins and beads on fabric (40 1/2" x 34"), 2009
This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.


Erzulie Freda Vodou Flag
SKU: YT-1603

Sequins and beads on fabric
(40 x 33), 2000
This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.


Erzulie Freda - Vodou flag
SKU: JOP-2301

(Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (33.25” x 35.25”), c.1990's.

This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.
