The distinguished history of printmaking in Mexico is best represented today in the vibrant art center of Oaxaca. Grabados de Oaxaca includes works by Fernando Andriacci, Enrique Flores, Abelardo Lopez, Eddie Martinez, Leovigildo Martinez, Felipe Morales, Rodolfo Morales, Fernando Olivera, Shinzaburo Takeda, Crispin Valladares & others. An Independent project of Philagrafika 2010
Long renowned as a center for folk art production, the mountainous southern Mexico state of Oaxaca has a growing reputation for the fine arts as well. Birthplace of the late masters Rufino Tamayo, Rodolfo Nieto and Rodolfo Morales, Oaxaca has also produced such leading Mexican artists as Francisco Toledo. But it is the vitality of the younger generation of Oaxaca artists that has led critics to identify a distinct Oaxaca School of Mexican art. Oaxacan art draws its strength from native Indian culture, myths and legends. It is suffused with "magic realism" a folk surrealism in which people fly and mysterious juxtapositions are the norm. As poet Alberto Blanco has written, the artists of Oaxaca "all tend to depict one theme: the appearance in our history of another time and place. A space within another space. A time within another time."
Indigo Arts has exhibited the fine arts of Oaxaca for over two decades, and has hosted solo shows for Rodolfo Morales and Fernando Olivera.