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Cuban Self-Taught: Paintings from the Indigo Arts Collection

March 14, 2024 to April 26, 2024

A Selection of Indigo Arts' collection is showing at the Zephirin-Giannetta Gallery in Ardmore, PA

Address: 38 West Lancaster Ave. Ardmore PA 19003
Dates: March 14 to April 26, 2024
Opening Reception: Saturday, March 16, 3 to 5pm
Gallery contact:

Indigo Arts has exhibited the work of a wide range of Self-taught Cuban artists over the last 24 years. Some, such as Francisco Ravelo Calunga, Fito, Pelly, Luis Joaquin Rodriguez Arias and Roberto Torres Lameda, chronicle the life and landscape of Cuba in a naif but often meticulous manner. Artists Javier Gonzalez Gallosa, Alejandro Lazo and Elio Vilva reflect their Afro-Cuban religious milieu, ranging from Catholicism to Santeria and Palo Mayombe. Others, such as Carlos Garcia Huergo, Mario Mesa, Damian Valdes Dilla and Wayacon are true outsiders, who record their personal visions and demons on cardboard, scraps of cloth or whatever materials may come their way.

Los Ultimos Vecinos
SKU: LRA-1602

(Mella, Cuba)
Oil on Canvas (18" x 27", 46 cm x 68cm). Framed.


Azul y Alado
SKU: ALZ-1008

Alejandro Lazo
(Havana, Cuba, b. 1970),
Oil on canvas (20 x 18), Framed.


El Dia que se fue el Obba (the day the leader left)
SKU: ALZ-1013

Alejandro Lazo
(Havana, Cuba, b. 1970),
Acrylic on canvas (23 x 23), 2007


Sin titulo (Tree Spirit)
SKU: ALZ-1005

Alejandro Lazo
(Havana, Cuba, b. 1970),
Oil on burlap (26 x 24), 2010


Roberto Torres Lameda
SKU: RTL0207

Oil on Canvas (23" x 15 1/2", 58cm x 40cm), 2002
Framed by the artist.

$1500 (framed)

Sin Titulo (man with snake)
SKU: ALZ-1011

Alejandro Lazo
(Havana, Cuba, b. 1970),
Oil with marble dust on canvas (21 1/2 x 18), 2005


El Coche Motor
SKU: RTL-1902

Mella, Cuba
Oil on Canvas (23" x 16", 58cm x 40cm), 2018


Military Cityscape 15-1-2016
SKU: DVD-1706

Ballpoint pen ink on green paper.
(19 5/8" x 25 1/2") (50 x 70cm), January 1, 2016


Procesion de la Caridad
SKU: JGG-0802

Javier Gonzalez Gallosa (Cienfuegos, Cuba),
Acrylic on canvas
(31 1/2" x 23 3/4"), 2008


Pachamama o Madre Tierra (Portrait of Woman)
SKU: CGH-1701

Havana, Cuba, c. 2015.  
Mixed media (ball-point pen, crayon, gouache paint etc.) on corrugated cardboard (18" x 19 3/4") (46 x 50cm).  


Diablito #2 Javier Gonzalez Gallosa
SKU: JGG-0302

Javier Gonzalez Gallosa (Cienfuegos, Cuba),
Acrylic on Canvas (24 x 20), 2003

Price includes frame

$ 850

Fito (Adolfo Flores Gonzalez)
SKU: AFG-0016

<p>(Cienfuegos, Cuba)<br />
Oil on canvas (27x35), 1999</p>


El Bembe de Los Haitianos
SKU: FRC-1601

(Mella, Cuba)
Acrylic on canvas (27" x 28"), 2014


Oggun, Orisha Mayor
SKU: EV-0802

Acrylic and ink on paper
(19 3/4 x 9 1/2), 2008.

Text around perimeter:  "Oggún, Orisha Mayor, hermano de Changó y Elegguá, Violento y astuto es el dios de los minerales, las montanas y las herramientas, Patrón de los herreros, mecánicos, ingenieros y fisicos - quimicos y de los soldados.  Domina los secretos del monte como un brujo.  Es el dueño de las llaves, las cadenas y los carceles sus colores son verde, negro y morado."  (Oggún, Greater Orisha, brother of Changó and Elegguá.  Violent and cunning, he is the god of minerals, mountains and tools.  Patron of blacksmiths, mechanics, engineers and physicists - chemists and soldiers.  Master of the secrets of the mountain like a sorcerer.  He is the owner of the keys, the chains and the prisons. His colors are green, black and purple.).


Aircraft 5-5-17
SKU: DVD-1704

Ballpoint pen on paper
(9" x 12") (23 x 31 cm), May 5, 2017



Guerreros (Ogun, Oshoosi y Eleggua)
SKU: ALZ-1007

Alejandro Lazo
(Havana, Cuba, b. 1970),
Oil on cotton fabric (18" x 20"), 2010


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