I will be away from the gallery between October 6th and October 13th, and so will not be shipping or open for visitors at the gallery. The Indigo Arts website will be active as always. I will respond to emails as soon as possible. I will be able to ship orders after October 14th, 2024.

With the high cost of shipping many of our customers choose to ship by USPS. For small and light shipments this is usually less expensive, but please be aware that their estimates are often wrong and only include insurance up to $100 for its domestic shipments. If you ask for full insurance we will recalculate the shipping cost and send you an invoice for any difference in cost.

Drapo Vodou: Haitian Vodou Flags

October 29, 2008 to November 29, 2008

Works by the Finest Sequin Artists in Haiti

Doubtless the most spectacular Haitian art form is the sequin-covered Drapo Vodou or "Voodoo Flag". Vodou banners derive directly from the practice of the Vodou religion. Vodou is a syncretism of the traditional African religions brought to Haiti by slaves, with the Catholicism of their former masters. The banners are traditionally the work of practicing vodou priests and their followers. They are displayed in the vodou sanctuaries and are carried at the commencement of a ceremony. Each flag depicts the vévé symbol or image of the loa to which it is devoted. These include: Erzulie Freda the female deity, “goddess of love” associated with the Virgin Mary; Ogou, deity of iron and war, associated with St. Jacques; La Sirene and Agoue, the female and male deities of the sea; Legba, gatekeeper and lord of the crossroads, associated with St. Peter; Azaka, the farmer, associated with St. Isidore; Bossou, the bull; Damballah, symbolized by the snake, and paired with St. Patrick; and Baron Samedi, keeper of the cemetery and one of the Ghedes, lords of the underworld. The flags are made of shiny silk fabrics to which have been sewn a brilliant mosaic of sequins and beads. A full-size banner typically contains 18,000 to 20,000 sequins and may take ten days to complete.

While the origins of this ritual art form have been traced back several hundred years, to sources as divwrse as African textiles and French regimental flags, the present form of the vodou flag may date to only the 1950’s. But in the 1970’s and 1980’s, following on the celebrated “Haitian renaissance” in painting and sculpture, the vodou banner also came to the attention of collectors and critics. Artists were able to sell directly to tourists (until tourism essentially ended in the mid-1980’s), and an art market developed for flags as well.

Among the more traditional practitioners of the art who are still working include Sylva Joseph, Clotaire Bazile, and Yves Telemac. The interest of collectors (and collaboration with artists from abroad such as Tina Girouard and Alison Saar) spurred innovation in the medium, and such artists as the late Joseph Oldof Pierre and Antoine Oleyant brought the art form to a new plane of creativity. Since the death of Antoine Oleyant in 1992, and in spite of the hardships of the political strife and economic embargo in Haiti, other important sequin artists such as Eveland Lalanne, Roland Rockville, Petit Frere Mogirus, Maxon Scylla, and George Valris have come to prominence.

The most recent and exciting development in the art of Drapo is the emergence of the “wedding-dress factory artists”, such as Myrlande Constant, Evelyn Alcide, Roudy Azor and the late Amina Simeon. These artists, several of whom had worked at a now-closed wedding-dress factory in Port-au-Prince, introduced techniques of dense and intricate beading and sequins to the art of the drapo. This allowed much finer detail of design and subtlety of color, and encouraged the introduction of more painterly techniques such as shading and perspective to the medium. What were once essentially sequinned religious icons have become ever more complex beaded mosaic paintings.

Marassa Trois - Vodou Flag
SKU: JBF-287

This unusual depiction of the Marassa Trois (triplets) loas is signed "Noel", but is believed to be by Eveland Lalanne himself.  It was bought from him by Dr. Bartoli in the 1990s, and is definitely in the distinctive Lalanne style.  
Sequins and beads on fabric
(32" x 30") c.1990s.

Ex. Collection of Dr. Jacques Bartoli.


Saint Ulrique/Agoue - Vodou Flag
SKU: ELL-2301

This flag is not signed but  was bought from him in the late 1990s, and is definitely in his style..  
Sequins and beads on fabric
(34.75” x 31.25”) c.1995.

Ex. Collection of Judy Hoffman


San Patricio / Damballa - Vodou Flag
SKU: JBF-290

This flag is not signed but  was bought from him by Dr. Bartoli in the 1990s, and is definitely in his style..  
Sequins and beads on fabric
(35 x 29) c.1990s.

Ex. Collection of Dr. Jacques Bartoli.


Les Sirenes Diamant - Vodou Flag
SKU: JBF-002

Sequins and beads on fabric
(39" x 36"), 2004.

Ex. Collection of Dr. Jacques Bartoli.


Dambala - Vodou flag
SKU: LFL-2302

Fils Lafleur (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Beads on fabric (36.75” x 30”)
This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.


Agaou - Vodou flag
SKU: SJS-2301

Sequins and beads on fabric
(30" x 30 1/4"), c. 1995.
This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.


Ceremonie for Bossu
SKU: JBF-348

This flag (drapo) is of a design and style of Maxon's brother in law, Antoine Oleyant.  Maxon ran Antoine's studio and set up his own studio upon Antoine's death in 1992.  
Sequins and beads on fabric
(41" x 33") c.1996

Ex. Collection of Dr. Jacques Bartoli.


Agoue - Vodou Flag
SKU: JBF-313

Sequins and beads on fabric
(30" x 30"), c. 2000.

Ex. Collection of Dr. Jacques Bartoli.


Agoue - Vodou Flag
SKU: JBF-313

Sequins and beads on fabric
(30" x 30"), c. 2000.

Ex. Collection of Dr. Jacques Bartoli.


Dambalah Wouedo - Vodou Flag
SKU: YT-2304

"Dambalah Wouedo" - Vodou Flag
Sequins and beads on fabric
(41" x 34"), 1999
This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.


Baron La Croix - Vodou Flag
SKU: GV-2301

Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
Sequins and beads on fabric.
(39.5” x 34”), c.2005.
Ex. collection of Judy Hoffman.


SKU: JBF-332

Sequins and beads on fabric
(35" x 35"), c.2000.

Ex. Collection of Dr. Jacques Bartoli.


St. Pierre - Vodou Flag
SKU: YT/D0801

Sequins and beads on fabric
(40" x 33"), 2006.
Ex. collection of Nancy Josephson.

$ 1200

Kok Kalité (Rooster) Vodou flag
SKU: JOP-2101

Studio of Joseph Oldof Pierre - Style is consistent with Oldof's work but signature is ambiguous (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (40” x 31”), c.1980's.
Ex. collection of Rudi Stern.
Note:  Some sequins show fading or discoloration, typical of nearly 40 year old sequins of this period.  


Ogou Badagri - Vodou Flag
SKU: JBJJ-1502

Jean-Baptiste Jean Joseph (Croix des Bouquets, Haiti)
Beads on velvet fabric
(29" x 23"),
This flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant and Simeon.
This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.


La Sirene Diamand - Vodou Flag
SKU: RA-2304

"La Sirene Diamand" - Beaded Vodou Flag
Roudy Azor (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (33.5” x 46.5),
c. 2010
The flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant and Simeon.

This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.


Product Status: 
Guedeh Nibo - Beaded Vodou Flag
SKU: RA-2307

"Guedeh Nibo" - Beaded Vodou Flag
Roudy Azor (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (35.5” x 46.5”),
c. 2010
The flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant and Simeon.

This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.


Product Status: 
Mambeau La Sirene - Vodou Flag (Drapo Vodou)
SKU: LMR-2301

(Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (45” x 40”),
This flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant and Simeon.  

This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.


Product Status: 
Erzulie Baliane -  Vodou flag
SKU: LMR-2302

(Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (40” x 31”),
This flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant and Simeon.  
Note that the signature is reversed.  The bead artists work from the back or underside of the flag and sometimes do not correct for this, so that both the image and the writing will be the reverse of the original drawing.

This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.


Product Status: 
Les Anges de Délivrance Lors du Séisme - Beaded Vodou Flag
SKU: RA-2306

"Les Anges de Délivrance Lors du Séisme (The Angels of Deliverance During the Earthquake)"  Beaded Vodou Flag
Roudy Azor (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (27 1/2” x 37”),
c. 2010
The flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant and Simeon.
This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.


Product Status: 
Alekba - Drapo Vodou
SKU: AC-2003

Evelyn Alcide (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (51 1/4” x 33 1/4”), c.2005
This flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant, Simeon and others.
Flag is currently mounted flat on a foamcore backing, so will be shipped flat unless otherwise requested.
Ex. collection of Nancy Josephson.  The flag is published on p. 163 of Nancy's book, Spirits in Sequins:  Vodou Flags of Haiti:  "Legba is referenced in the chromolithograph of St. Lazarus."


Product Status: 
SKU: MD1104

Mireille Delice (Port-au-Prince, Haiti) Sequins and beads on fabric (43" x 45"), c.2010 This flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant and Simeon.

$ 3,800

Product Status: 
Erzulie Dantor - Vodou Flag
SKU: MD-1105

Mireille Delice (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (43 1/2" x 43 1/2"), c.2010.
This flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant and Simeon.


Product Status: 
La Sirene Matenel - Vodou Flag
SKU: AC-1604

Evelyn Alcide (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (44" x 45 1/2"), c.2010
This flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant, Simeon and others.
This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.


Product Status: 
Les Sirenes - Vodou Flag
SKU: FTS-2301

Port-au-Prince, Haiti, c.2005.  
Sequins and beads on fabric (43” x 50.5”).
This flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant and Simeon.

This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.


Product Status: 
"Agoueh et La Sirene" Vodou Flag
SKU: RA-2001

Roudy Azor (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Beads on fabric (32 1/2” x 42”),
c. 2010
The flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant and Simeon.


Product Status: 
Ayida Wedo (Lady of the Serpents)
SKU: MD-1102

Sequins and beads on fabric
(39 1/2" x 53"), c.2010

This flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant and Simeon.

$ 3,200

Product Status: 
Returned to Artist
Dambala Vodou Flag
SKU: AOL-1801

Exquisite "drapo Vodou" (Vodou flag) by the most original, celebrated and sought-after artist of the medium.  Port-au-Prince, Haiti, c.1990.
Sequins and beads on fabric, with burlap backing.
(40" x 33.5")

Provenance:  "Dambala" by Antoine Oleyant, was created in the late 1980s - 1992.  Very good condition, sequins sewn on burlap backing, velcro installation strips attached.  Current owner acquired from Tina Girouard in 2010.   Ships with provenance document and color photo of Antoine used in the book "Sequin Artists of Haiti", written by Tina Girouard.
Condition:  Very good condition with exception of a few missing sequins near the edge, as shown in photo diagram and accompanying details.  No apparent fading.


Product Status: 
La Sirene - Vodou Flag
SKU: RA-2002

(Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (34 1/2” x 37”),
Ex. collection of Nancy Josephson.
This flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant and Simeon.

Price on Request

Product Status: 
Gouetor - Vodou Flag
SKU: AC-1603

Evelyn Alcide (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (36 1/2" x 43"), c.2010
This flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant, Simeon and others.
This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.


Product Status: 
Mambo La Sirene - Beaded Vodou Flag
SKU: RA-2104

Mambo La Sirene Beaded Drapo Vodou 
Roudy Azor (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (43” x 23”),
c. 2020
The flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant and Simeon.

Price on Request

Product Status: 
La Sirene - Vodou Flag
SKU: AS-2001

Amina Simeon (Jacmel, Haiti, 1959 - 2000)
Beads on fabric
(32 1/4” x 26 1/4” on 36" x 33" board backing), c.1998.
Ex. collection of Nancy Josephson.
Note: currently mounted flat, but could be removed to ship rolled.

This flag is extremely densely beaded (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artist Constant and others.

Price on Request

Product Status: 
Papa Legba - Vodou Flag
SKU: RORO-2002

Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
Sequins and beads on fabric.
(38 1/2” x 35”), c.2005.
Ex. collection of Nancy Josephson.
The flag is published in the book Spirits in Sequins:  Vodou Flags of Haiti by Nancy Josephson (p. 22).  She writes:  "Note the use of the chromolithograph image of Saint Antonio coupled with the incredible sequin work featuring Rockville's signature "shading".

Price on Request

Product Status: 
Haidah Wedo (Mamy Wata) - Vodou Flag
SKU: AC-1602

Evelyn Alcide (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (42" x 32"), c.2010
This flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant, Simeon and others.
This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.


Product Status: 
SKU: RA-0801

Sequins and beads on fabric
(34" x 45 1/2"), c.2006

This flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant and Simeon

$ 2,200

Product Status: 
Roudy Azor (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
SKU: RA-0701

Sequins and beads on fabric (48" x 40"), c.2006

This flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant and Simeon

$ 2,200

Product Status: 
Jan Zombi Vodou Flag
SKU: RA-1601

Roudy Azor (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Beads on fabric (27" x 37 3/4"),
c. 2010
The flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant and Simeon.
This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.


Product Status: 
Erzulie Freda Antique Vodou Banner

Sequins and beads on fabric with fringe
(35" x 35"), mid-20th century.
Note:  Artworks from this collection generally must be shipped from the collection rather than directly from our gallery.  Please allow a few more days for shipment to your location.


$ 2,000

Product Status: 
Erzulie Freda Vodou flag
SKU: FTS-1901

Port-au-Prince, Haiti, c.2005.  Sequins sewn on fabric (54" x 45").

This flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant and Simeon.


Product Status: 
La Sirene - Vodou Flag
SKU: LDB-0801

Sequins and beads on fabric (54" x 29 1/2"), c.2006.
Ex collection of Nancy Josephson.
This flag is published in the book Spirits in Sequins by Nancy Josephson, p. 126.

Price on Request

Product Status: 
Erzulie Danthor Vodou Banner
SKU: BV/D0901

Sequins and beads on fabric
(42" x 34"), c.2009

$ 1,800

Product Status: 
Erzulie Mapiang - Vodou Flag
SKU: MD-0801

Mireille Delice (Port-au-Prince, Haiti) Sequins and beads on fabric (33" x 30"), c.2005.
This flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant and Simeon.  This flag is published in Spirits in Sequins: Vodou Flags of Haiti,(2007) by Nancy Josephson, p. 161.


Product Status: 
Diabolo Bossou Antique Vodou Banner

Sequins and beads on fabric (38" x 34"), c.1980

Published in the article, "I Am Going to See Where My Oungan Is": The Artistry of a Haitian Vodou Flagmaker, by Anna Wexler, published in the collection Sacred Possessions (Rutgers University Press, 1997).

$ 1,800

Product Status: 
"Haida Wedo" (Mamy Wata) Vodou Banner
SKU: RA-1405

Haida Wedo (Mamy Wata) Vodou Banner
Roudy Azor (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (33" x 23 1/2"),
This flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant and Simeon



Product Status: 
M. La Sirene - Vodou Flag
SKU: RA-1602

Roudy Azor (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Beads and sequins on fabric (42" x 24 1/2"),
c. 2010
The flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant, Simeon and others.
This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.


Product Status: 
Maitresse et Maitre Grand Bois - Vodou Flag
SKU: LM-1601

Lamarre (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (32" x 30"), c.2010
This flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant, Simeon and others.
This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.


Product Status: 
SKU: MCO-0302

Sequins and beads on fabric
(27 x 34), c. 2002


Product Status: 
Damballa - Antique Vodou Banner

(initialled "LL")
Sequins and beads on fabric (31"x 24"), mid-20th century

$ 1,600

Product Status: 
Houtor - Antique Vodou Banner

Sylva Joseph (?)
Sequins and beads on fabric
(30" x 30"), c. 1980.
Note:  Artworks from this collection generally must be shipped from the collection rather than directly from our gallery.  Please allow a few more days for shipment to your location.

$ 1,600

Product Status: 
Baron Antique Vodou Banner

Sequins and beads on fabric
(35" x 30"), mid-20th century


Product Status: 
Bossou Antique Vodou Banner

Sequins and beads on fabric
(32" x 39"), c. 1980.
Note:  Artworks from this collection generally must be shipped from the collection rather than directly from our gallery.  Please allow a few more days for shipment to your location.

$ 1,600

Product Status: 
Baron au Cimetière - Vodou Flag
SKU: RORO-2001

Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
Sequins and beads on fabric.
(36 1/4” x 36”), c.2005.
Ex. collection of Nancy Josephson.
The flag is published in the book Spirits in Sequins:  Vodou Flags of Haiti by Nancy Josephson (p. 110).  She writes:  "In this narrative, the spirits are unwilling to release the newly deceased body, feeling that those who may abuse the life force don't understand the goodness of the life rcently departed."

Price on Request

Product Status: 
Les Trois Déesses (Marassa Trois) - Vodou flag
SKU: RORO-2004

Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
Sequins and beads on fabric.
(38 1/2" x 35"), c.2005.
Ex. collection of Nancy Josephson.
The flag is published in the book Spirits in Sequins:  Vodou Flags of Haiti by Nancy Josephson (p. 31).  She writes:  "Rockville incorporates the veve diagram in this piece.  His signature style of effectively employing the limited color choices in the sequins to "shade" the figures is also evident."

Price on Request

Product Status: 
Baliann - Drapo Vodou (Vodou flag)
SKU: AS-2004

Amina Simeon (Jacmel, Haiti, 1959 - 2000)
Seed and bugle beads on fabric
(32 1/4” x 26 1/4”), c.1998
Currently mounted flat.
Ex. collection of Nancy Josephson.

This flag is extremely densely beaded (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artist Constant and others.

Published in Spirits in Sequins:  Vodu Flags of Haiti (p. 156).

Price on Request

Product Status: 
Ogou Djamson Vodou Banner

Sequins and beads on fabric (34 x 27),
c.1980's.   Provenance: from private collection.

$ 1,500

Product Status: 
Erzulie Dantor Vodou Flag
SKU: FTS-1601

Nadine Fortilus (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (36" x 36"),
This flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant and Simeon.

This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.


Product Status: 
Erzulie - Vodou Flag
SKU: SJ-2001

Sequins and beads on fabric
(30 1/2" x 30 3/4"), c. 1990's.  Currently mounted and stretched (see photos).
Ex collection of Nancy Josephson.


Product Status: 
Erzulie Freda - Vodou Flag
SKU: YT/D-2001

Sequins and beads on fabric
(40" x 33"), 2003.
Ex. collection of Nancy Josephson, who writes  "This is one of Yves' best in my humble opinion. He put a lot of love, thought, and technical experience into the love of Erzulie Freda."


Product Status: 
"Seisme 12 Janvier 2010" Beaded Drapo
SKU: AZ-1406

"Seisme 12 Janvier 2010" Beaded Drapo
Roudy Azor (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (22" x 24 1/2"),
c. 2014
This stunning secular flag was created as a memorial to the 2010 earthquake, on the occasion of it's fourth anniversary. The flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant and Simeon.

Price on Request

Product Status: 
"Dambalah Haida Wedo" Beaded Drapo
SKU: RA-1407

Dambalah Haida Wedo Beaded Drapo 
Roudy Azor (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (25" x 20"),
c. 2013
The flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant and Simeon.



Product Status: 
Erzulie Freda - Vodou Flag
SKU: YT-2002

Sequins and beads on fabric
(40" x 33"), 1998.
Ex. collection of Nancy Josephson


Product Status: 
Manman Marie - Vodou Flag
SKU: EL-0501

Sequins and beads on fabric
(37 x 30) c.2000.
This flag is published in Spirits in Sequins: Vodou Flags of Haiti,(2007) by Nancy Josephson, p. 89.

$ 1,200

Product Status: 
La Sirene Vodou Banner
SKU: LF/D-2001

Beads on fabric (26” x 35”),
c. 2010
The flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant and Simeon.


Product Status: 
Grann Brijitte - Drapo Vodou (Vodou flag)
SKU: AS-2005

Amina Simeon (Jacmel, Haiti, 1959 - 2000)
Seed and bugle beads on fabric
(21” x 20 1/2”), c.1998
Currently mounted flat on 23" x 23" board.
Ex. collection of Nancy Josephson.

This flag is extremely densely beaded (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artist Constant and others.

A very similar flag by Simeon is published in Spirits in Sequins:  Vodu Flags of Haiti, p. 158.

Price on Request

Product Status: 
Trois Rois - Vodou Flag
SKU: AS-1201

Amina Simeon (Jacmel, Haiti, 1959 - 2000)
Sequins and beads on fabric
(25" x 22 1/2"), c.1998.
This flag is published in Spirits in Sequins: Vodou Flags of Haiti,(2007) by Nancy Josephson, p. 158.


Product Status: 
Ceremonie Freda
SKU: YT0503

Sequins and beads on fabric with fringe
(41 x 33), 2005

$ 975

Product Status: 
Bossou - Vodou Flag
SKU: AS-1501

Amina Simeon (Jacmel, Haiti, 1959 - 2000)
Beads on fabric (28" x 25"),
The flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus quite heavy), in the manner of fellow artists Constant, Alcide and Azor.

This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.


Product Status: 
Marassa Trois (The Three Graces) - Vodou Flag
SKU: GV-2002

Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
Sequins and beads on fabric.
(41 1/4” x 34”), c.2005.
Ex. collection of Nancy Josephson.

A similar flag is published in the book Spirits in Sequins:  Vodou Flags of Haiti by Nancy Josephson (p. 30).


Product Status: 
Erzulie Freda - Vodou Flag
SKU: GV-2003

Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
Sequins and beads on fabric.
(35 3/4” x 43 1/2”), c.2005.
Ex. collection of Nancy Josephson.

This flag is published in the book Spirits in Sequins:  Vodou Flags of Haiti by Nancy Josephson (p. 38).


Product Status: 

Amina Simeon (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (24 x 24), c.1998

This flag is published in the book Spirits in Sequins by Nancy Josephson.

$ 975

Product Status: 
Erzulie Freda Vodou Flag
SKU: YT-1602

Sequins and beads on fabric (40 1/2" x 33"), 2002
This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.


Product Status: 
Legba - Vodou flag
SKU: LFL-2301

Fils Lafleur (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Beads on fabric (35” x 29.25”)
This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.


Product Status: 
Legba Atibon - Vodou flag
SKU: LDB-2002

Sequins and beads on fabric (24 1/4" x 18 1/4”), c.2000.
Ex collection of Nancy Josephson.
This flag is published in the book Spirits in Sequins by Nancy Josephson, p. 128.  "Here Lherison uses the Saint Lazarus chromolithograph to identify the central figure, then surround him with Vodou iconography including asson and cloche (rattle and bell) used to call the spirits."


Product Status: 
"Virgen de la Caridad/Oshun" Vodou Flag
SKU: GV-1311

Sequinned Banner
Georges Valris (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (42 1/2" x 35 1/2"), c.2013


Product Status: 
Saint Patrice (Dambala) Vodou Banner
SKU: MCO-9901

Myrlande Constant (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (32" x 25"), 1996


Product Status: 
Baron Samedi Sequinned Vodou Banner
SKU: GV/D-1312

Sequins and beads on fabric
(42 x 34 1/2), c.2013

$ 950

Product Status: 
Saint Jacques/Ogou Sequinned Vodou Banner
SKU: GV/D-1313

Sequins and beads on fabric
(34 1/2 x 41), c.2013

$ 950

Product Status: 
"La Sirene" Beaded Drapo Vodou (vodou flag)
SKU: AZ-1408

La Sirene Beaded Drapo Vodou (vodou flag) 
Roudy Azor (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (19 1/2" x 23 1/2"),
c. 2013
The flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant and Simeon.



Product Status: 
SKU: GV/D0805

Georges Valris (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric
(40 1/2 x 34), c.2008

$ 900

Product Status: 
SKU: GV/D-0503

Sequins and beads on fabric
(41 x 35), c.2005

$ 900

Product Status: 
"Eve" - Vodou Banner
SKU: GV-0901

Georges Valris (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric
(42" x 35"), c.2008

$ 875

Product Status: 
Dambala - Vodou Flag
SKU: ANN/D-9001

Dambala  Vodou Banner
Artist Unknown, in style of Bel Air artists such as Silva Joseph, Edgar Jean-Louis (Port-au-Prince, Haiti) 
Sequins and beads on fabric (31 x 31), c.1985
Provenance:  Grass Roots Gallery, NY, c.1990


Product Status: 
La Sirene
SKU: LM/D-0601

Sequins and beads on fabric
(21 1/2 x 26) c.2006

$ 875

Product Status: 
Erzulie Danthor - Vodou Flag
SKU: GLL-1601

Sequins and beads on fabric
(371/2" x 30 1/2") c.2005.
This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.


Product Status: 
SKU: MS/D0506

Sequins and beads on fabric
(37 1/2 x 34) c.2005

$ 875

Product Status: 
Dantor - Vodou Flag
SKU: JBJJ-1503

Atelier of Jean-Baptiste Jean Joseph (not signed) (Croix des Bouquets, Haiti)
Beads on velvet fabric
(30 1/2" x 25 1/2"),
This flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant and Simeon. It is published in Spirits in Sequins: Vodou Flags of Haiti,(2007) by Nancy Josephson, p. 40.
This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.


Product Status: 
Baron Lakwa Vodou Flag
SKU: SJ-1601

Sylva Joseph (Bel Air, Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric
(32 3/4" x 30"), c.2000
This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.


Product Status: 
Papa Loko - Vodou Banner
SKU: GV-0909

Georges Valris (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (41" x 33 1/2"), c.2009


Product Status: 
La Sirene Vodou Banner
SKU: MES/D0901

Sequins and beads on fabric
(21 x 25) c.2009

$ 775

Product Status: 
Baron au Cimetière - Vodou Flag
SKU: LDB-2001

Sequins and beads on fabric, with cotton fill for relief areas, stretched on frame (24 1/4" x 17 1/2”), c.2000.  
Ex collection of Nancy Josephson.
This flag is published in the book Spirits in Sequins by Nancy Josephson, p. 126.  "The chromolithograph of Saint Gerard is used to depict the Vodou spirit Baron, one of the Guede family.  The small cuts made into the back of the doubled fabric get cotton stuffing, which makes the top of the flag not only 3-D but also very heavy."

Price on Request

Product Status: 
"Aizan" Vodou Flag
SKU: LD-0601

Sequins and beads on fabric
(36 x 24 1/2), c.2006

$ 775

Product Status: 
Erzulie Dantor - Vodou Flag
SKU: RA-2101

Roudy Azor (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (20" x 24"),
The flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant and Simeon.


Product Status: 
Freda - Vodou Flag
SKU: JBJJ-1501

Jean-Baptiste Jean Joseph (Croix des Bouquets, Haiti)
Beads on velvet fabric
(29" x 22 1/2"), c.2005

This flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant and Simeon. It is published in Spirits in Sequins: Vodou Flags of Haiti,(2007) by Nancy Josephson, p. 37.
This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.

Exhibited at Wheaton Arts and Cultural Center, Millville, New Jersey (July to December, 2016) for exhibit:  Shades of Past, Colors of Present:  Preserving Caribbean Cultural Heritage in New Jersey.



Product Status: 
Erzulie Dantor Vodou Flag
SKU: SJ-1501

Sylva Joseph (Bel Air, Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric
(30" x 30"), c.2000


Product Status: 
"Erzulie Dantor" Beaded Vodou Flag
SKU: AZ-1810

Roudy Azor (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (21" x 25"),
The flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant and Simeon.


Product Status: 
Baron Zombi Vodou Banner
SKU: MNA/D0901

Sequins and beads on fabric
(35 x 31), c.2009

$ 750

Product Status: 
Bossou - Vodou Flag
SKU: ANN-1801

Artist unknown, Port-au-Prince, Haiti.  Sequins and beads on fabric.
(30" x 30 1/4") c.1985-1990.  Purchased from a Chicago gallery c. 1990.


Product Status: 
SKU: GV/D0603

Sequins and beads on fabric
(38 1/2 x 27 ), c.2006

$ 700

Product Status: 
Marassa Deux Vodou Banner
SKU: MS/D0801

Maxon Scylla (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric
(37 1/2 x 26 1/2)

$ 675

Product Status: 
Marassa Deux - Vodou Banner
SKU: MS-1601

Sequins and beads on fabric
(37" x 26") c.2010
This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.


Product Status: 
Marassa Deux - Vodou Flag
SKU: MS-2002

Sequins and beads on fabric
(38" x 26 3/4") c.2010.
Ex. collection of Jacques Bartoli.


Product Status: 
Baron Samedi - Vodou flag
SKU: ANN-2304

Artist unknown, Port-au-Prince, Haiti.  Sequins and beads on fabric.
(29.5” 30.25”) c.2005.
This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.


Product Status: 
Dambalah - Vodou Flag
SKU: FTS-1501

Nadine Fortilus (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (29" x 23"),
This flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant and Simeon.

This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.

20% off


Product Status: 
"Marassa Deux" Vodou Banner
SKU: GV/D-0602

George Valris (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (35 x 25), c.2006

$ 650

Product Status: 
"Dambalah" Beaded Drapo Vodou (Vodou flag)
SKU: AZ-1809

Dambalah  Beaded Drapo Vodou (Vodou flag)
Roudy Azor (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (29" x 19"),
This flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant and Simeon.

Price on Request

Product Status: 
Dancing Ghede Sequinned Vodou Banner
SKU: GV/D-1310

Sequins and beads on fabric
(37 1/2 x 27 1/2), c.2013

$ 650

Product Status: 
Grand Bois
SKU: SJ/D-0801

Silva Joseph (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric
(30 x 29), c.1993

$ 650

Product Status: 
St. Jacques - Vodou Flag
SKU: EJL-1601

Sequins and beads on fabric, with clear plastic "window" covering paper chromolithograph of St. Jacques' face (30 1/2” x 32”), c.2000.  This flag is published in  Spirits in Sequins:  Vodou Flags of Haiti (p. 66).
This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.


Product Status: 
Djab - Vodou Flag
SKU: MS-1701

Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Sequins and beads on fabric
(34 1/2" x 23 3/4") c.2010


Product Status: 
Deux Sirenes - Vodou Flag
SKU: JBF-222

Sequins and beads on fabric
(23" x 29") c.2000

Ex. Collection of Dr. Jacques Bartoli.


Product Status: 
La Sirene
SKU: MD-0905

Sequins and beads on fabric (19" x 23"), 2009
This flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant and Simeon

$ 575

Product Status: 
Erzulie Freda Vodou Flag
SKU: GV-1601

Sequinned Banner
Sequins and beads on fabric
(35 1/2 x 24 1/2), c.2005
This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.


Product Status: 
Bossou Vodou Flag
SKU: MR-1601

Sequins and beads on fabric
(32 1/2 x 30), c.2005
This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.


Product Status: 
Erzulie Dantor and Damballa
SKU: GV/D1309

Sequinned Banner
Sequins and beads on fabric
(34 x 25 1/2), c.2013

$ 575

Product Status: 
Dambalah Vodou Flag
SKU: PG-1601

P.G. (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric
(27 3/4" x 27 3/4"), c.2000
This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.

20% off


Product Status: 
La Sirene - Vodou Flag
SKU: MD-1101

Mireille Delice (Port-au-Prince, Haiti) Sequins and beads on fabric (23" x 24"), c.2011.
This flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists such as Constant and Simeon.


Product Status: 
Roi du Soleil - Vodou Flag
SKU: PRNS-1601

P. Rens
Sequins and beads on fabric.
(30" x 33”), c.2005
This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.

20% off


Product Status: 
Erzulie Freda - Vodou Flag
SKU: RORO-2006

Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
Beads and sequins on fabric, with  clear plastic covering on chromolithograph print of face.
(16" x 15 1/2”), c.2005.
Ex. collection of Nancy Josephson.
The flag is published in the book Spirits in Sequins:  Vodou Flags of Haiti by Nancy Josephson (p. 103).  


Product Status: 
Dambalah Ouedo- Vodou Flag
SKU: RORO-2007

Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
Beads and sequins on fabric, with  clear plastic covering on chromolithograph print of face.
(16" x 15 1/2”), c.2005.
Ex. collection of Nancy Josephson.
The flag is published in the book Spirits in Sequins:  Vodou Flags of Haiti by Nancy Josephson (p. 25).  She writes "In this small 14" x 14" flag, Rockville needed to use the chromolithograph to show the face of the saint.  Note the use of French curves in the border.  This is one of Rockville's trademarks."


Product Status: 
Dambalah - Vodou Flag
SKU: LFL-1502

Fils Lafleur (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric
(28.5" x 26.5"), c.2005


Product Status: 
"Dambalah - Haida" Beaded Drapo Vodou (Vodou flag)
SKU: AZ-1404

Dambalah - Haida Beaded Drapo Vodou (Vodou flag)
Roudy Azor (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (25" x 15"),
This flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant and Simeon.


Price on request

Product Status: 
Marassa/Grand Bois - Drapo (Sequinned Banner)
SKU: WAW/VV-1503

Valentin Valris (Haiti) and William Adjété Wilson (Togo/France)
Sequins and beads on fabric (22 1/2" x 17 1/2"), c.2015


Product Status: 
Erzulie Freda Vodou Flag
SKU: AZ-1403

Erzulie Freda Beaded Drapo Vodou (Vodou flag)
Roudy Azor (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (21 1/2" x 21 1/2"),
c. 2013
The flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant and Simeon.



Product Status: 
Grand Bois Ile - Vodou flag
SKU: YT-2003

Sequins and beads on fabric
(40" x 17"), 2012.
Ex. collection of Nancy Josephson


Product Status: 
Simbi - Vodou Flag
SKU: LFL-1701

Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Beads on fabric (23 1/4" x 19 1/4")
This flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant, Simeon, Delice, etc..


Product Status: 
Erzulie - Vodou Flag
SKU: MS-2003

Sequins and beads on fabric
(28" x 25 1/2”) c.2010.
Ex. collection of Jacques Bartoli.


Product Status: 
Dambala and Erzulie Vodou Flag
SKU: LFL/D1501

Fils Lafleur (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Beads on fabric (24" x 20")
This flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant and Simeon.
This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.



Product Status: 
Baron La Croix - Vodou Flag
SKU: LFL-1602

Fils Lafleur (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Beads on fabric (24 1/4" x 20 1/4")
This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.

20% off


Product Status: 
La Sirene - Vodou flag
SKU: LFL-1603

Fils Lafleur (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Beads on fabric (23 1/4” x 20 1/2”)
This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.

20% off


Product Status: 
Erzulie Freda Beaded Vodou Flag
SKU: AZ-1402

Erzulie Freda Beaded Drapo Vodou (Vodou flag)
Roudy Azor (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (15" x 20"),
c. 2013
The flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant and Simeon.

Donated to permanent collection of Wheaton Arts and Cultural Center.



Product Status: 
Gran Bois Beaded Vodou Flag
SKU: AZ-1808

Gran Bois Beaded Drapo Vodou (Vodou flag)
Roudy Azor (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (20 1/2" x 13"),
The flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant and Simeon.


Product Status: 
"Marassas" Vodou Banner
SKU: AZ-1401

Marassas Vodou Banner
Roudy Azor (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (19 1/2" x 15 1/2"),
A rare three-headed, four-breasted interpretation of "Marassa Trois" the loa of twins and triplets. This flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant and Simeon.

Exhibited at Wheaton Arts and Cultural Center, Millville, New Jersey (July to December, 2016) for exhibit:  Shades of Past, Colors of Present:  Preserving Caribbean Cultural Heritage in New Jersey.



Product Status: 
"Marassas" Vodou Banner
SKU: AZ-1401

Marassas Vodou Banner
Roudy Azor (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (19 1/2" x 15 1/2"),
A rare three-headed, four-breasted interpretation of "Marassa Trois" the loa of twins and triplets. This flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant and Simeon.

Exhibited at Wheaton Arts and Cultural Center, Millville, New Jersey (July to December, 2016) for exhibit:  Shades of Past, Colors of Present:  Preserving Caribbean Cultural Heritage in New Jersey.



Product Status: 
SKU: MS/D1201

Sequins and beads on fabric (28 x 23) c.2009
Ex. collection of the late Marilyn Houlberg.

$ 395

Product Status: 
SKU: BV/D0701

Andremise Brianville Valris (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (23 1/2 x 20), c.2006


Product Status: 
Erzulie Freda Beaded Vodou Flag
SKU: AZ-1802

Erzulie Freda Beaded Drapo Vodou (Vodou flag)
Roudy Azor (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (17 1/2" x 13 1/2"),
The flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant and Simeon.


Product Status: 
Erzulie Freda Beaded Vodou Flag
SKU: RA-1803

Freda Beaded Drapo Vodou (Vodou flag)
Roudy Azor (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (13 1/2" x 18"),
The flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant and Simeon.


Product Status: 
Erzulie Freda Beaded Vodou Flag
SKU: RA-1804

Erzulie Freda Beaded Drapo Vodou (Vodou flag)
Roudy Azor (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (14" x 18"),
The flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant and Simeon.


Product Status: 
Erzulie Freda Beaded Vodou Flag
SKU: AZ-1805

Erzulie Freda Beaded Drapo Vodou (Vodou flag)
Roudy Azor (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (17 1/2" x 13 1/2"),
The flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant and Simeon.


Product Status: 
Cousin Zaca - Vodou Flag
SKU: RA-1501

Roudy Azor (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Beads on fabric (17" x 13"),
c. 2008
The flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant and Simeon.

This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.

Exhibited at Wheaton Arts and Cultural Center, Millville, New Jersey (July to December, 2016) for exhibit:  Shades of Past, Colors of Present:  Preserving Caribbean Cultural Heritage in New Jersey.


Product Status: 
St. Soleil Beaded Flag
SKU: AZ-1807

St. Soleil Beaded Flag
Roudy Azor (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (18 1/4" x 14"),
The flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant and Simeon.


Product Status: 
Dambalah Wedo - Vodou Flag
SKU: RA1502

Roudy Azor (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Beads on fabric (16 1/2" x 13"),
c. 2008
The flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant and Simeon.

This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.


Product Status: 
"La Sirene" Beaded Vodou Flag
SKU: AZ-1811

Roudy Azor (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (17" x 13"),
The flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant and Simeon.


Product Status: 
"La Sirene" Beaded Vodou Flag
SKU: AZ-1812

Roudy Azor (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (17 1/2" x 13"),
The flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant and Simeon.


Product Status: 
"Couzen Zaka" Beaded Vodou Flag
SKU: AZ-1813

Roudy Azor (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (17" x 13"),
The flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant and Simeon.


Product Status: 
"Trois Esprits" Beaded Vodou Flag
SKU: AZ-1814

Roudy Azor (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (17 1/2" x 13"),
The flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant and Simeon.


Product Status: 
Kouzin Zaka - Vodou Flag
SKU: ANN-1616

Sequins and beads on fabric
(30 1/4” x 31”), c.2005
This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.

20% off


Product Status: 
St. Jacques - Vodou Flag
SKU: ANN-1612

Sequins and beads on fabric
(30 1/4" x 30 1/2”), c.2005
This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.


Product Status: 
Maxon Scylla (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
SKU: MS/D1403

Sequins and beads on fabric
(24" x 20") c.2013

$ 325

Product Status: 
"La Sirene" Vodou Banner
SKU: GV/D-9602

Sequins and beads on fabric
(24 x 21), 1996

$ 325

Product Status: 
St. Jean - Vodou flag
SKU: ANN-2005

Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Beads and sequins on fabric, with  clear plastic covering on chromolithograph print of face (16 1/4” x 12 1/2”)
Ex collection of Nancy Josephson.


Product Status: 
Couzin Zaka - Vodou Flag
SKU: AS-2003

Amina Simeon (Jacmel, Haiti, 1959 - 2000)
Seed and bugle beads on fabric
(13 1/4” x 11”), c.1998

Ex. collection of Nancy Josephson.

This flag is extremely densely beaded (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artist Constant and others.

Published in Spirits in Sequins:  Vodu Flags of Haiti (p. 50).


Product Status: 
Carrefour - Vodou Flag
SKU: ANN-2001

Sequins and beads on fabric
(25” x 26”), c.2010.
Ex. collection of Jacques Bartoli.


Product Status: 
Papa Loco - Vodou Flag
SKU: ANN-2002

Sequins and beads on fabric
(25 1/2" x 24 1/2”), c.2010.

Ex. collection of Jacques Bartoli.


Product Status: 
"Kafou Simbi" Vodou Flag
SKU: JBJJ-1405

(Croix des Bouquets, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (17 1/2" x 17 1/2"),

Exhibited at Wheaton Arts and Cultural Center, Millville, New Jersey (July to December, 2016) for exhibit:  Shades of Past, Colors of Present:  Preserving Caribbean Cultural Heritage in New Jersey.


Product Status: 
"Kafou Legba" Vodou Flag
SKU: JBJJ-1404

(Croix des Bouquets, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (17 1/2" x 17 1/2"),


Product Status: 
Vévé - Vodou Flag
SKU: JBJJ-1507

Vévé - Vodou Flag
(Croix des Bouquets, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (17 1/2" x 17 1/2"),
This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.


Product Status: 
Baron La Croix - Vodou Flag
SKU: GV-1801

Croix des Bouquets, Haiti
Sequins and beads on fabric
(22" x 18 1/2"), c.2016


Product Status: 
La Sirene - Vodou Flag
SKU: GV-1802

Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Sequins and beads on fabric
(22 1/4" x 18 1/4"), c.2016


Product Status: 
Dambala and Erzulie Vodou Flag
SKU: ANN-1604

Anonymous flag artist (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric
33" x 32"), c.2000
This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.

25% off


Product Status: 
Damballa/St. Patrick - Vodou Flag
SKU: GV-1803

Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Sequins and beads on fabric
(22" x 18 1/2"), c.2016


Product Status: 
Erzulie/Damballa - Vodou Flag
SKU: GV-1804

Croix des Bouquets, Haiti
Sequins and beads on fabric
(22 1/4" x 18 1/4"), c.2016


Product Status: 
Baron La Croix - Vodou Flag
SKU: GV-1805

Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Sequins and beads on fabric
(22" x 18 1/2"), c.2016


Product Status: 
Dambalah - Vodou Flag
SKU: GN-2001

Sequins and beads on fabric
(23” x 23”), c.2010.
Ex. collection of Jacques Bartoli.


Product Status: 
Ogou Ashadeh - Vodou Flag
SKU: ANN-2003

Sequins and beads on fabric
(26" x 24 1/2”), c.2010.
Ex. collection of Jacques Bartoli.


Product Status: 
Four Ghedes Vodou Flag
SKU: GV-1701

Croix des Bouquets, Haiti
Sequins and beads on fabric
(22 1/4" x 18 1/4"), c.2016


Product Status: 
Damballa (St. Patrick) - Vodou Flag
SKU: GV-1702

Croix des Bouquets, Haiti
Sequins and beads on fabric
(22" x 18"), c.2016


Product Status: 
La Sirene - Vodou Flag
SKU: GV-1703

Croix des Bouquets, Haiti
Sequins and beads on fabric
(22" x 17 1/2"), c.2016


Product Status: 
Dancing Ghede - Vodou Flag
SKU: GV-1704

Croix des Bouquets, Haiti
Sequins and beads on fabric
(22" x 18"), c.2016


Product Status: 
Erzulie Dantor - Vodou Flag
SKU: GV-1705

Croix des Bouquets, Haiti
Sequins and beads on fabric
(22" x 18"), c.2016


Product Status: 
Erzulie Freda Sequinned Vodou Banner
SKU: GV/D-1410

Sequins and beads on fabric
(21 1/2" x 18 1/2"), 2014

$ 250

Product Status: 
Erzulie - Vodou Flag
SKU: GV-1706

Croix des Bouquets, Haiti
Sequins and beads on fabric
(21 1/2" x 19"), c.2016


Product Status: 
Agouet - Vodou Flag
SKU: AN-1613

Sequins and beads on fabric
(30 1/2” x 29 1/4”), c.2005
This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.

25% off

$325 $243.75

Product Status: 
St. Martha - Vodou Flag
SKU: ANN-1614

Sequins and beads on fabric
(24 3/4” x 20 1/4”), c.2005
This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.

25% off


Product Status: 
SKU: YT/V-0602

Sequins and beads on fabric
(21 x 17 1/2), 2006

$ 225

Product Status: 
Vintage "Paquet Kongo" from Haiti
SKU: ANN-1402

Vintage "Paquet Kongo" ritual Vodou object, c. 1980's, from the collection of Jonathan Demme.
Mixed media - glass, fabric, thread, feathers, etc. (10.5” x 4.25” x 4.25”).


Product Status: 
"Bossou Trois Cornes" Vintage Vodou Bottle
SKU: ANN-1403

Vintage "Bossou Trois Cornes" ritual Vodou bottle, c. 1980's, from the collection of Jonathan Demme.
Mixed media - glass, fabric, beads, sequins, etc. (11.25” x 8” x 8.5”).


Product Status: 
"Papa Loko" Vodou Banner
SKU: GV/D-1002

Sequins and beads on fabric (22 x 18 1/2), c.2010

$ 225

Product Status: 
Vodou Bottle

Sequins and beads on fabric on glass bottle
(+/- 3 1/2" x 12"), mid-20th century

$ 225

Product Status: 
Ezili Balyan - Vodou Flag
SKU: ANN-1615

Sequins and beads on fabric
(27” x 23”), c.2005
This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.

25% off

$275 $206.25

Product Status: 
Marassa Deux - Vodou Flag
SKU: MS-1702

Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Sequins and beads on fabric
(21 3/4" x 16 3/4") c.2010


Product Status: 
SKU: MS/D-1404

Maxon Scylla (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (21" x 17") c.2013

$ 195

Product Status: 
St. Jacques - Vodou flag
SKU: YO-2301

Initialed "Y.O."
Sequins and beads on fabric.
(14.25” x 14.25”), c.2005
This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.


Product Status: 
Erzulie and Damballa Drapo Vodou (Vodou Flag)
SKU: GM/D-1401

G.M. (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Beads on fabric
(21" x 16"), c.2013


Product Status: 
Nativity -  Haitian Sequinned Flag
SKU: ANN/D-1404

Unknown artist (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Beads on fabric
(13 1/2" x 10 1/2"), c.2013


Product Status: 
Erzulie Freda - Vodou Flag
SKU: VV-1402

Sequinned Banner
Valentin Valris (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (14 1/2" x 14 1/2"), 2014



Product Status: 
Ayizan - Vodou Flag
SKU: ANN-1610

Sequins and beads on fabric
(17 1/2" x 16 1/2"), c.2000
This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.


Product Status: 
Dambala - Vodou Flag
SKU: YT-1604

Sequins and beads on fabric (16" x 10"), c.2000
This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.

20% off

$125 $100

Product Status: 
Danthor Vodou Flag
SKU: ANN-1601

Anonymous artist. (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric
(17" x 16"), c.2000
This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.


Product Status: 
SKU: GV/D1301

Sequins and beads on fabric
(15 3/4 x 13 3/4), c.2013

$ 95

Product Status: 
Baron La Croix - Vodou Flag

(Croix des Bouquets, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (9 3/4" x 9 1/2"),
This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.

20% off


Product Status: 
SKU: GV/D1401

Sequins and beads on fabric
(15 1/2" x 12"), c.2013

$ 95

Product Status: 
Erzulie Freda Vodou Flag
SKU: ANN-1602

Anonymous flag artist (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric
14 1/2" x 14"), c.2000
This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.


Product Status: 
La Reine Soleil - Vodou Flag
SKU: ANN-1609

Sequins and beads on fabric
(13" x 14"), c.2000
This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.

20% off


Product Status: 
Simbi - Vodou Flag
SKU: ANN-1611

Sequins and beads on fabric
(14" x 13v1/2"), c.2000
This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.


Product Status: 
Legba Kafou - Vodou Flag
SKU: AN-1607

Sequins and beads on fabric
(14" x 11"), c.2000
This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.

20% off


Product Status: 
Papa Zaka - Vodou Flag
SKU: ANN-1608

Sequins and beads on fabric
(14" x 11"), c.2000
This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.


Product Status: 
Erzulie - Vodou Flag
SKU: ANN/D-1401

Unknown artist (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric
(14" x 11"), c.2013



Product Status: 
Erzulie/Damballa - Vodou Flag
SKU: ANN/D-1403

Unknown artist (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric
(14" x 11"), c.2013



Product Status: 
"Erzulie Freda" Beaded Purse
SKU: BDP-1801

Beadwork on fabric, purse with zipper and "silk" lining (5" x 8 1/2").  Same design on front and back.  Haiti.


Product Status: 
"Ogou Feraille" Vévé Beaded Purse
SKU: BDP-1802

Beadwork on fabric, purse with zipper and "silk" lining (5 3/4" x 7 1/2").  Same design on front and back.  Haiti.


Product Status: 
"Legba" Vévé Beaded Purse
SKU: BDP-1803

Beadwork on fabric, purse with zipper and "silk" lining (5 3/4" x 7 1/4").  Same design on front and back.  Haiti.


Product Status: 
Dambala and Erzulie Vodou Flag
SKU: ANN-1603

Anonymous flag artist (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric
12 1/2" x 10"), c.2000
This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.


Product Status: 
Ayizan - Vodou Flag
SKU: ANN-1606

Anonymous artist. (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric
(12" x 10 1/2"), c.2000
This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.


Product Status: 
"Grand Bois" Vévé Beaded Purse
SKU: BDP-1804

Beadwork on fabric, purse with zipper and "silk" lining (4" x 5").  Same design on front and back.  Haiti.


Product Status: 
Catastrophe de 12 Janvier
SKU: MD-1103

Sequins and beads on fabric
(43 1/2" x 45 1/2"), c.2010

This flag is Mireille's response to the ctastrophe of the Jan 12th, 2010 earthquake, in which she lost several family members and her home. It depicts representatives of Haiti's three primary religions - Catholicism, Vodou and Protestant Christianity - praying among the rubble and the dead. Another 'earthquake flag" by Mireille Delice was featured in the profile of her in the Fall/Winter, 2011 issue of Hand/Eye Magazine This flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant and Simeon.

"Catastrophe de 12 Janvier" was exhibited at the Kathmandu Triennale in Kathmandu, Nepal in February, March 2022.

Price on Request

Product Status: 
Still Life - Vodou Flag
SKU: MCO-2001

Sequins and beads on fabric (32” x 29 1/2”, mounted on 35" x 33" board)
c. 1995.  Note:  this artwork has been on display for some time, and some beads are missing, notably some of the large black glass beads along the top edge - see photos.

Ex collection of Nancy Josephson.
This flag is published in the book Spirits in Sequins by Nancy Josephson, p. 145. 

There will be a solo exhibition devoted to Constant Myrlande's work at the Fowler Museum at UCLA in Spring 2023.  The curator has requested to display this flag in the exhibition.


Product Status: 
SKU: GV/D0604

George Valris (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (38 x 27 ), c.2006


Product Status: 
Aizan Beaded Vodou Flag
SKU: RA-2103

Aizan Beaded Drapo Vodou (Vodou flag)
Roudy Azor (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (16 3/4” x 12 3/4”),
The flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant and Simeon.


Product Status: 
Erzulie Freda - Vodou flag
SKU: AOL-2301

Exquisite "drapo Vodou" (Vodou flag) by the most original, celebrated and sought-after artist of the medium.  Port-au-Prince, Haiti, c.1990.
Sequins and beads on fabric.
(40.75” x 34.25”).

This flag is being sold by Judy Hoffman for the benefit of the Art Creation Foundation for Children, which she founded in Jacmel, Haiti.

Price on Request

Product Status: 
SKU: AC-2001

Evelyn Alcide (Port-au-Prince, Haiti)
Sequins and beads on fabric (58” x 49”), c.2005
This flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant, Simeon and others.
Ex. collection of Nancy Josephson

Price on Request

Product Status: 
AGOUEH LASIRENE (Marriage of Agoue & La Sirene)
SKU: AC-2002

Sequins and beads on fabric
(58 1/2" x 59 1/2"), c.2005
This flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant, Simeon and others.
Ex. collection of Nancy Josephson
A similar flag by Alcide is pictured on P. 166 of Nancy's book, Spirits in Sequins:  Vodou Flags of Haiti

Price on request

Product Status: 
SKU: AC-0802

Evelyn Alcide (Port-au-Prince, Haiti) Sequins and beads on fabric (36 1/2" x 34"), c.2007 This flag is extremely densely beaded and sequinned (and thus extremely heavy), in the manner of the artists Constant and Simeon.


Product Status: 
Erzulie la Flambeau (St. Martha) Sequinned Vodou Banner
SKU: GV/D-1314

Sequins and beads on fabric
(41 x 33), c.2013

On loan to the National Gallery of Art, Los Angeles County Museum of Art and Dallas Museum of Art  for exhibition “Afro-Atlantic Histories” through July, 2024.

Price on Request

Product Status: 
Freda - vintage Vodou flag
SKU: TBT-2201

Mixed media:  sequins and beads sewn on fabric (15" x 12”), on wood stretcher.  Features raised design elements by means of stuffing cotton between layers of fabric using "trapunto" technique.  Dated c.1960 per Phyllis Kind Gallery.
Provenance:  Current owner purchased from Phyllis Kind Gallery at NY Outsider Art Fair, February 2, 2005.

Price on Request

Product Status: 