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Gods and Goddesses

Festival for Shango
SKU: YF-2305

Oshogbo, Nigeria, c.1990
Hammered aluminum relief
(12 1/4" h. x 21 1/2” w.)


Chango, Orisha Mayor
SKU: EV-2201

Trinidad, Cuba.
Ink and watercolor on paper
(18" x 14"), 2000.
Matted and Framed.

Text around perimeter: "CHANGÓ. Orisha Mayor. Dios del fuego, del rayo, de la guerra, de los ilú batá, del baile, la música y la belleza viril, patrón de los guerreros y los tempestades. Su padrino es Osain quien le dio el secreto de las hierbas. Su número es el 4 y sus días son el viernes y todos los 4. Sus colores son el rojo y el blanco. Es el padre de los ibejis. Sus amanes son innumerables aunque sus mujeres propias son Oyá obra Yurú y Ochún. Se sincroniza en Cuba con Santa Bárbara y se celebra el 4 de Diciembre. ("CHANGÓ. Greater Orisha. God of fire, lightning, war, ilú batá, dance, music and virile beauty, patron of warriors and storms. His godfather is Osain who gave him the secret of herbs. His number is 4 and his days are Friday and all 4. His colors are red and white. He is the father of the ibejis. His lovers are innumerable although his own wives are Oyá obba Yurú and Ochún. It is synchronized in Cuba with Santa Bárbara and is celebrated on December 4.")


Naina Jogin (the eye goddess)
SKU: MHXD-2120

Madhubani, Bihar, India
2019.  Acrylic on paper (19 1/2” x 12 3/4” on 22” x 15” sheet).

The artist explains:  "A character that is painted in the nuptial chamber in Mithila. She is supposed to bless the newlywed couple, protect them from evil eye and also to ensure conjugal warmth forever.  I thoroughly enjoy doing this image again and again especially the eye. It is so simple and the effect hypnotic."



Egungun Festival
SKU: TF-2306

Oshogbo, Nigeria, c.2007
Hammered aluminum relief
(7 7/8" h x 10 1/8" w).
